Raising Ducks/Waterfowl


Recovering Project Junkie
Nov 5, 2005
Newton, NC
AS a spin-off to the chicken thread....

The wife has been wanting to get some ducks all spring. Have been considering it, since we have a son with an egg allergy. We have chickens, and seem to be fairly versed in them, but ducks seem to be much higher maintenance than the chickens.

Anyone here raise ducks for eggs/meat, and have success keeping things low(er) maintenance and clean?
I've got 3 ducks in with my chickens. They're fun to watch, but dumb. They are nasty, they will dirty up fresh water in an hour. The eggs are great though. The yolks seem more yellow than the chicken eggs. The males are super horny though. They will snag a hen in a minute if one slows down in their general vicinity. My dad refered to his now deceased male duck as, the pervert.
Ducks make a mess if they’re locked up, our waterer will be empty in no time with ducklings. Our mature ducks live on the pond so that not a big deal. Make sure you have more females than males cause those males will constantly be on the females. We’ve actually had to get rid of some cause they were injuring the females.

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Look into Muscovee ducks. They are technically not a duck at all although they look the part. Pop out eggs like crazy. Babies grow fast and are amazing for meat production. They are a bigger body than your average pekin or Cayuga. Still nasty sloppy shitters and will make a mess out of the water source. Point of fact, ducks don’t have to have a pond but they have to have a water source to mix food while they eat and also to keep their nostril clean and clear. They also like to get in it to bath 1-2 times daily. So they will need something. We have a few smaller Mortar mixing tubs that we keep filled. Works fine and easy to clean out.
I have a creek, but its not near where the ducks would likely be. Was planning to do some type of pool/tub for them. Mostly seeing if anyone had come up with a clever way to keep a water source that "self cleans".

I currently have to carry water to where my chickens are, so I should likely wait until I get permanent water lines in closer.
I have a creek, but its not near where the ducks would likely be. Was planning to do some type of pool/tub for them. Mostly seeing if anyone had come up with a clever way to keep a water source that "self cleans".

I currently have to carry water to where my chickens are, so I should likely wait until I get permanent water lines in closer.

They will dirty up water no matter what.

Having a spigot close by is crucial. I have to drag a hose to mine right now and it's a pain. I have a dummy line in the ground near my pen, I just need to get time to dig it up and put a fauvet in. Dragging 100ft of hose out a few times a week is for the birds...