Raleigh area folks-Jack Stands


New Member
May 27, 2007
Anyone have a few large jackstands I could use for the weekend. Need large enough to support an soa yj. Would have no prob leaving a deposit just don't wanna break out the dough for a set that large quite yet.
I would skip the 6 ton and go straight for the 12 ton ones. They go up to 30" as opposed to 24".
Got a pair of 12t Northern Tool stands that go to about 28 inches. I'm on the west side of Chapel Hill. 7 Miles off I40. PM me if you want to come this far.
I have a pair of Craftsmans unused for the weekend. Very descent ones regardless of rate (can't remember)? Probably 6T. Can deliver to Raleigh Fairgrounds to pick up from my work tomorrow before 4 bells if you contact me this evening. Or pick up in Willow Spring... I'll PM Contact.
Thanks for the offers guys. Seems that parts that were supposed to be here this week aren't coming in after 2 freaking weeks so no worky for me. Gotta love taking 2 days off work and not being able to do jack.