Random pic thread.

I have seen them mounted on the outside of the bed on old square body trucks, but they were always near the top, never down near the body line or wheel well. I would never do it, but it doesn't look bad. I definitely wouldn't do it on a newer truck, or down low like that toyota.

The Goodyear blimp flew over my house this morning.

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This never happens in a garage

I was replacing the rear swaybar links on the escape while ago in the gravel driveway.I had got the old ones out and was putting on the new ones when I suddenly smelled something aweful.I wondered if some road kill was stuck up in a wheel well, or a trash truck had gone by up the street.I kept wrenching, I scooted further under the car to get a better angle for reaching the top links and the smell got stronger and more nasty.I hurried up and finished and slid out from under the car and went to grab the old parts and thats when I saw the snake that was run over. I apparently laid the back of my head on the rotten snake.Good news it was a copperhead, bad news there's prolly more around.
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I'd bet she still out shoots him.
Funny and scary at the same time how well my wife and daughters can shoot.
I'm very well behaved!
My SIL can out shoot my brother any day of the week. He doesn't step out of line either!
quoted. Somebody needs a new signature line. Just like politics, easy to be taken out of context.
Something about he sent pictures to the boss.
Were they mounted to the fender or the top of the bed? The fender mount style seems like a new method to me.
What he said
I have seen them mounted on the outside of the bed on old square body trucks, but they were always near the top, never down near the body line or wheel well. I would never do it, but it doesn't look bad. I definitely wouldn't do it on a newer truck, or down low like that toyota.

Saw a very Interesting fork lift or table lift, at Lowe's. I was thinking of the guys with shops, that get freight deliveries & have no forklift. I know some guys have to wait on a lift gate truck, of pick up at the Terminal.


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Mower installed a bluetooth connecting rod this afternoon...didn't work too well!

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Don't see a load of Utility Poles, everyday! Maybe Duke is stocking up for Hurricanes. :D
Then after a second look, at the length, maybe it's Pilings?
53' spread axle trailer. I'd bet those are easily 30' or more.
Rummaged it huh?

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Not exactly, the transmission is fine!

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