Random pic thread.

Why have fire hazards and wasted candles when you can have your age represented in binary and only use 6, 7 max.


  • IMG_20150627_184944.jpg
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Book shelf. Nothing spectacular, just ran out of shelf space and needed more.
:stupid: and it needs more triangulation

actually what helps more than anything is stapling some cardboard across the back of it.
(e.g. triangulation)
As soon as my cabbage comes in I'm ready to make some chow chow... Okra is blooming as we speak. Had a mess of fresh fried okra the other night.
What i wouldnt give for my okra to come in. We been eating squash, boiled squash, fried squash, grilled squash, steamed squash, broiled squash...........
My squash didn't do well this year. To hot I guess. Everything I did get the skin was ridiculously tough. Everything else shriveled up.. Corn hasn't done well either.