Random pic thread.

Terrible picture, I know. Time I got the camera up, the deer had gotten to far for a good focus! Working construction on the Island, at Duke's McGuire plant. These baby deer came up to my side of the bridge, took a look, then crossed over to the other side. Why swim when we have a bridge? :)


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That deed is done lol 😂 it’s no joke down here. Plus humidity is like 300% and I’m not built for it haha
Yes, definitely a no travel zone for this fella. Done it, hoping to never do it again.
Terrible picture, I know. Time I got the camera up, the deer had gotten to far for a good focus! Working construction on the Island, at Duke's McGuire plant. These baby deer came up to my side of the bridge, took a look, then crossed over to the other side. Why swim when we have a bridge? :)
I work there and see them almost everyday. I’ve counted in the teens before. I always say they are the best protected deer in the area.
I really wish i would see one of these in the wild.
Do you really though? Because what if you don't see it?

Then again, thats what I like about rattlers compared to copperheads. At least the rattler will warn ya!
Picking up a new toy, er... tool, tomorrow. Too good a deal to pass. Coming with tiller, box blade, and mowing deck.
