Random pic thread.

Couldn’t get my buddy’s drag in time to beat the rain that’s coming but wanted to break up all the shit in the pastures. Welcome, the Binford Shitbuster 6100. Thank god my wife’s grandfather built gates that weight a bajillion pounds and we have extras laying around 🤣

Pro tip: you spill less beer in the SxS because it rides better than the tractor.

Couldn’t get my buddy’s drag in time to beat the rain that’s coming but wanted to break up all the shit in the pastures. Welcome, the Binford Shitbuster 6100. Thank god my wife’s grandfather built gates that weight a bajillion pounds and we have extras laying around 🤣

Pro tip: you spill less beer in the SxS because it rides better than the tractor.

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If her granddad was like mine, it was sch40 or 1/4 plate everything.