Random pic thread.



  • uploadfromtaptalk1368804524261.jpg
    100.2 KB · Views: 1,509
I'm guessing you like Jeeps...
Sent from the Delta Quadrant
Sent from the Delta Quadrant


  • uploadfromtaptalk1368985416000.jpg
    102.1 KB · Views: 624
Why is it Toyata guys seem like there trying to justify themselves,I don't care if you wheel a kia, as long as youre wheelin Im happy for ya. You don't usually get that out of the Jeep crowd. Trying to make up for no part of American history, or pride, or being born in japan and have not sold a real 4wd in this country in what, over 20 years?
I will wheel anything and with anyone but...

Solid axle yota>$2500


Samurai deserves its own category of badassery

Nuff said...
I will wheel anything and with anyone but...

Solid axle yota>$2500


You scared some dude with 3k in an 85 Yota, bobbed bed, welded front and rear with bald 35s gonna make you look bad? :lol:

Just kidding I will wheel with anyone who doesn't put themselves or anyone else look bad!

Samurai deserves its own category of badassery

Nuff said...
nah nuthin to prove here, i have a ZJ, a samurai, and a K10 i don't even have a yota right now (do love them tho) i just like how the jeep guys get uptite at the poking!!

scared to death!!!!!
You scared that some dude with 3k in an 85 Yota, bobbed bed, welded front and rear gonna make you look bad? :lol:

3k?! Ya lucky shit :flipoff2: hell, I know you can outwheel me too!

Need to hit up lake houser soon now that I can tow my crap!