Random pic thread.

On I 40

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Rake = mpg
Nice parking job I saw today. Not sure what he was doing as he should have easily been able to make that turn. Assuming someone was waiting to turn when he got stuck, and instead of making them move he just tried to swing wider.

Nice parking job I saw today. Not sure what he was doing as he should have easily been able to make that turn. Assuming someone was waiting to turn when he got stuck, and instead of making them move he just tried to swing wider.

View attachment 263067
Haha! Poor dumb bastard...
Is that shares as in one gets to occasionally drive it or shares as in a piece of paper that says you own a piece but don't get to do anything other than sell your shares later (or lose everything when they go bankrupt).
Anyone in the world can buy a share (listed at $67.50), so I'm assuming that you just buy a piece of paper saying you own X% so that when they sell it you will hopefully turn a profit.
Drain plug out of ax5. All of the noise seems to be coming from the bell housing according to my stethoscope.
Nice parking job I saw today. Not sure what he was doing as he should have easily been able to make that turn. Assuming someone was waiting to turn when he got stuck, and instead of making them move he just tried to swing wider.

View attachment 263067
Even a Dumbass Trainee, would know Not to go across the ditch! BUT, I've seen just as Stupid shit by Long Time Drivers!
When you can't find your drywall saw you improvise. Sawzall blade + vise grips = drywall saw.

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Been there done that. Even done the same w a hack saw
Decided to buy a battery powered saw from harbor freight yesterday. Tried it out today, and I must say I'm kinda impressed.

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I've been thinking about swapping to battery weed eater and blower; whenever I use either of those two it's only for about 30 minutes, maybe once a month. It's getting hard to justify dealing with more fuel, finicky carbs from sitting, etc. etc.
Vuew frim our table . Cracker Barrel...tongs used for bread hanging 6" from a garbage can . Mmmmmm.


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While we've been here, trash can has filled up....tongs are about 1.5" from the garbage now. I just called the manager over....well see if he cares...

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I've been thinking about swapping to battery weed eater and blower; whenever I use either of those two it's only for about 30 minutes, maybe once a month. It's getting hard to justify dealing with more fuel, finicky carbs from sitting, etc. etc.
They make a blower, weed eater, pole saw, and hedge trimmer that all share the same battery. From what I've watched on YouTube they seem to be pretty decent for the money. I may invest in the pole saw soon.

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While we've been here, trash can has filled up....tongs are about 1.5" from the garbage now. I just called the manager over....well see if he cares...

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So - verdict?