Random pic thread.

Well over 25 years ago, my first job was at a rubber molding company that used modified wheelabrator machines to remove flash from o-rings. These were HUGE belt machines vs the turntable style machines. The blast chamber was somewhat sealed and we'd pump in liquid nitrogen to freeze the flash and then knock it off with very small shot. Larger o-rings went directly on the belt, smaller o-rings went into cylindrical "baskets" with a wire mesh or perforated steel. We'd shut those machines down twice a year for a complete rebuilt. Those machines tore themselves up! They are pretty cool to operate and even cooler to see the insides of them during a tear down. You would get filthy when operating or repairing them. You'd end up looking like you just walked out of a coal mine.
Lol that is very true! The abrasive we run through it is a mixture ratio of between 70/30 and 80/20 shot/grit. Average cycle time is around 15 minutes for 70/30 and about 20 for 80/20. I prefer less grit with longer cycles because it allows more time for pre-peening prep and because shot breaks down slowly, it holds capacity in the hopper better and also saves from having to clean the filter bank as often. Pre-peening prep involves grinding off serial numbers and adding cap plugs to intrusion ports. Yes, I get ridiculously dirty doing it. On days I operate it, I'll go by a little Mexican restaurant for a 32oz beer after work, walk in and the bartender guy starts laughing like hell.
Only 100 more holes to go. Lol
I hope they're going to pump that concrete in. I'd hate to try to maneuver a Georgia buggies between all those holes.

The holes are in straight rows and the rows are roughly 20' apart so we shouldn't have an issue with the buggy. I'll find out when we start putting the rock in the holes. I plan to use the buggy to get it in the building and too the holes.

The 2nd floor on the other hand is almost 600 yards and will be pumped.
The holes are in straight rows and the rows are roughly 20' apart so we shouldn't have an issue with the buggy. I'll find out when we start putting the rock in the holes. I plan to use the buggy to get it in the building and too the holes.

The 2nd floor on the other hand is almost 600 yards and will be pumped.
So the ground floor is pretty much useless once this is done??
No. There will be roughly 600 storage units on the 1st floor. The support columns are laid out to land in the corners of untis.
Since you obviously aint working, want to weld on a trailer?