Random pic thread.

Found in San Francisco last night:
That sign should be on the sidewalks in SF. You really have to watch where you step there.
easy fix
Shake yourself, man

Yeah, go get in one, that'll change your mind (Unless your "Fun-size" like our Dylans)

View attachment 265645
Yeah, I slept on it... then looked in my change bowl, and decided I don't have enough allowance for yet another project right now. Talked me out of it! I think a CJ is small enough anyway.
I don't know how but @palmetto zuk is prolly 6'3 and 340 ish.
And he slides right in his Sammy.
I'm somewhat vertically challenged... 5'8, and 163... I suppose I could fit my asses in there...hm. Y'all had me thinking it was a helluva tight squeeze.
They are really not as small as you think Ron is right both of mind are comfy. My stock sammy might be the most fun vehicle to drive that i have ever owned. It has little to no power, does not stop well, pisses oil, rides like a wagon, but you cant get anymore minimalistic and simple.
Well now I'm confused. Lol. Sounds like my CJ, only smaller (that's what she said?) Who knows, could be a fun project for the future when my little munchkin (daughter) gets bigger
It wasn't too bad. Worst part was turning the grease fitting about 1/12th of a turn at a time with a big adjustable wrench. You know the ones where you turn the wrench about 1/4" til it stops, flip it over, turn it another 1/4", flip it back over, repeat about 100 times.

Welcome to my world.
dang Jeff is everybody ok? what happened?

A friend of mine rolled it multiple times on pavement. Not sure how many times it tumbled but it was stopped by a parked car. The passenger (female) went to the hospital but is ok. She was cut up a little. The driver has a good sized gash on top of his head (didn't have his harness on )
A stock rzr cage is about as thick as exhaust pipe
$20,000 rigs that still need a $2000 cage once they leave the showroom.
Almost as bad as a $40k rig that needs a $2k cage once it leaves the showroom.

Sadie is turning into the hulk, and she ain t happy about it!

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