Random pic thread.

Campfire, a good book and comfy shoes.
Chili pepper in color for the TJ crowd
I think that phone needs an upgrade. :D

Is that factory supercharged from something? TRD blower, but in desert tan?
I didn't have the shop lights on and I couldn't hold the phone steady.

It's a 3.4v6 just like the one in my buggy now but it is a factory TRD supercharger. The tan ones are the gen 1 and the black ones are the gen 2. They are the same blower and move the same amount of air. The gen 2 did upgrade and made the intake one piece and integrated a few other things into the casting and it's prettier since it's black.

This one's got a few internal upgrades inside the engine and alot smaller pulley than stock for more boost.

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