Random pic thread.

.....tedious but very nice. out of my price range LOL

Sad part, it's out of my price range too! I have a house built in the 60's that has the original hardwood floors. I did refinish the main living room and hallway when we moved in, but have never bothered with the bedrooms. Just pulled the carpet up, grabbed the mop and some pine sol and called it done. Just redecorated and painted my daughters room before school started and didn't bother with her floors either.
I can run about 600 ft of floor in a day, it takes me all day to run 100 feet of herringbone

It appears the wood came in the shorter lengths? Never seen that before. And I would guess you could salvage a lot of low grade into these short pieces that would offset some of the labor cost when purchasing???
Then again do you have to re-measure and recut every one? I know no 2 - 2x4's from Lowes is the same length... ESPECIALLY treated!
It appears the wood came in the shorter lengths? Never seen that before. And I would guess you could salvage a lot of low grade into these short pieces that would offset some of the labor cost when purchasing???
Then again do you have to re-measure and recut every one? I know no 2 - 2x4's from Lowes is the same length... ESPECIALLY treated!
Like anything, you get what you pay for. For fireplace or small rug I will set up a jig and cut what I need and router the ends, but that takes time and causes scrap. This particular floor has over 400 pcs in just 100 sq/ft so I ordered it this way. The pieces must be in multiples of its width (3 1/4 x 13 in this case). As it is being laid, a small piece of spline must be fit into the edge to lock into the previous row, and glued. It's no easier to sand and finish either because a floor sander can't be run across it due to the constant change in direction. I'll get a better pic of it when I'm done, that was just the starter row and half of a course.

This is why the Biltmore floors don't impress me!
I just figured it was an internet pic. That was your furniture? I hate yellow jackets.
Yep our wicker sofa on the front porch. I was standing near it when all of a sudden I got stung and then they went after my dog who was standing next to me. Waited till it got dark and they went dormant to look around and found their giant nest.
Yellow jackets are the ISAS of bees. Their only mission in life is to sting people unprovoked.
Saw this on the way into work today. Bumper says "We're proud of our safe drivers for comments call..."


Driver's side quarter panel smashed in