Rear Dshaft toast?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2005
Triad area of NC
Ok, went to install the dshaft last night, naturally I have it all bolted in at the tcase and then try to slide the yoke down to pinion and nada....

Put some weight behind it (yeah yeah...), and still nada...crap. Had to unfreakn bolt it (have I mentioned I cannot get a rachet in there, this is via hand tools)

Tried stepping on bottow, pulling, nada...pitched it back in the floorboard and called it a night.

So...looking for opinions on seperating it? One good suggestion so far is possible vacuum lock by it being compressed ALL the way? (I will try removing the grease fitting to see)

Was thinking of using some chain, and my high lift jack to pull it apart? (I don't own a press)

I am REALLY REALLY hoping the splines are not toasted, cannot imagine they will be compared to the rest of the dmg...

Is it "normal" when it gets compressed the whole way for vacuum lock or difficult to open again?

Sam...hopes he doesn't need to spend $300+ for another dshaft...Hinton
I wouldn't expect it to be bad, how long has it been since it's been moved?

Maybe just grease has gotten hard, or maybe even a little rust.

Those splines are pretty tough, they shouldn't be hurt.

EDIT: If it is vac-locked, you could try pumping grease into it while pulling it apart.
Just an update...used the hi lift and it came apart, splines look fine. Also removed grease fitting/but assuming at this pt it was vacu-locked.

Put in Advanced auto ubolts and the durn things are so cheap metal I actually stripped one tightening it! Luckily I bought 2 sets thinking one would be a spare.

Anyone know where you can buy GOOD ubolts, maybe even longer than normal so you have plenty of room for the lock washers AND fully threaded nut, etc? (Higher quality metal, etc would be nice too)

These would be U-bolts for the U-joints would they not ? Holding driveshaft to the yoke(s)?

maybe I'm not awake yet......... :confused:

pheery said:
take vaseline with you

Yeah but it's quality Spicer stuff and he want's the good stuff not something cheap....
Blkvoodoo said:
These would be U-bolts for the U-joints would they not ? Holding driveshaft to the yoke(s)?

maybe I'm not awake yet......... :confused:


D'oh, you're right... scratch my springsnthings link...
Yeah I need something decent, paid $2-3 for a pair at advanced auto, about the same at broncograveyard. Would like a good high quality set, which $6-8 would be worth not worrying about really.

agreed that price is fine, but if you want spicer stuff at reasonable prices go to Oliver's d-shaft in winston. he is a dealer and is about half the price of fleet pride on joints, u-bolts, and drive shafts.
Hey, that's cool. You just like talking about Vasoline don't ya! LOL :D
Can Get you a set of 1310 1330 or 1350 u-bolts SPICER ( the good stuff) for $5.15
muddin38yota said:
Can Get you a set of 1310 1330 or 1350 u-bolts SPICER ( the good stuff) for $5.15

Done and done... (and got a new spicer 1310 ujoint while I was at it!)

NC4x4 comes thru as always...