Red Oak bottles


Mar 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
I need 4-5 Red Oak bottles. I'm not a big fan of their brew so I'd hate to buy a 12 pack when all I need are 4-5 empty bottles.

Anyone in the Greensboro high point area have a few in their recycle bin?
I damn near killed a 12 pack this weekend. Got the bottles in Mebane. Not sure when I'll be down your way but I sure can put them to the side for ya.
or swing by the bar one day and grab a few outta the trash. check local ordinances. i think in Winston there are laws about removing recyclables from a nightclub trash bin.
Red oAk is my jam. Wish I could get it closer to home.
haha, we don't even have red oak. I meant the brewery over it Guilford college that still there?
Reid, I'd be surprised if a bar carried Red Oak in a bottle. Just like the stores that sell single bottles don't sell Red Oak in singles. It has no preservatives and has to stay refrigerated. It also has a very short shelf life due to no preservatives.

No, I think the brewmaster at Red Oak said they don't have the guilford rd facility anymore.
my girlfriend is gonna ask the red oak rep if he can get is hands one some for you.
Not there anymore...
I second that, why Red Oak bottles? Really has my curiosity up for some reason....
3rd... All I can think is to attempt your own version of redoak, bottle it as redoak, and see if someone can tell the difference.
I need 4-5 Red Oak bottles. I'm not a big fan of their brew so I'd hate to buy a 12 pack when all I need are 4-5 empty bottles.

Anyone in the Greensboro high point area have a few in their recycle bin?

Bottles are on the way ;)
I didn't want to use my phone to explain because it's a company supplied phone. I'm sending a message in a bottle along with my resume.

I have a reason for Red Oak, but after typing out why Red Oak Specifically, I decided to keep that to myself for now. :D

Unless you are applying for a job AT Red Oak, I'm not sure that's a good way of disseminating your resume. Not much says "I'm an unemployed alcoholic" like stuffing your credentials into an empty beer bottle and shipping it off to the Personnel Department. Just saying. But if that's the image you are going for, by all means... :) You could always include a picture of yourself wearing nothing but a sandwich board that says "Hire me or I'll dance on your desk wearing this".
Lol well come on now, you have succesfully created a demand... now give us the damn supply!
You obviously do not understand the lengths a man will go to for a quick laugh.