registering a truck


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2008
I am going to buy a 4runner in NY, it is titled but not registered and not inspected... I don't plan on registering or insuring it here at least for a few months anyway so how should I go about getting the proper paperwork to drive it home?

All you have to get is the title making sure it has been signed over, and possibly notarized if they require that in NY. I bought my current truck from Bristol VA and all I had to do was have the signed title. I didn't get it registered for over a year after I bought it. Just make sure you don't live in an area where they require all vehicles on your property to be tagged.

And also if your driving it from NY back make sure to have a plate to put on it to get it back (and don't speed etc etc so you don't get pulled over with the wrong plate on it). Biggest thing I can say is make sure the title is filled out completely and signed over in the right area, plus notarized if needed. I had to mail the title back to the guy to get him to sign it correctly because he signed it over in the dealership area, AND he didn't have his wife sign it when it was also in her name. It sounds like a no brainer but you don't want to have to mail the title back to NY. I was lucky and the guy I bought it off of was trustworthy/willing to do so.
The only legal way that won't take alot of time, Trailer!
It sucks, but the penalty of having tags from another car aren't cheap, and the only legal way would be to get it registered in your name, either in NY or NC, before you drive it home, so that it can have valid tags, even if temp tags.

Find a buddy with a truck, and rent a flatbed from Uhaul, --- Roadtrip!
Some states have 30-day temp tags you can get for this purpose, I dunno if NY is one of them or not. I do know that NC and MD are NOT.
I'd call up the NY DMV and just ask them what to do, explain that you don't want to reg in NY but need to get it to NC, they may have some way.
Bringing some old NC plate will probbaly get you by, and if you have the new title and a bill of sale in hand, dated the same day, a copwould probbaly let you go... but as Chris pointed out, it is NOT legal...
Just go to the lic plate agency and get a 3 day temp tag.
what about insurance do I need to call the company or if I buy a car am I covered for a few days?
what about insurance do I need to call the company or if I buy a car am I covered for a few days?

Nope, no coverage until you call them. Now in NC and most staes, you hve severl days ebtween when you buy and when it hs to be insurred before you are relly in trouble; they just bck-datet he policy etc. But if you were to get i na wreck on the way home, your insurance will not cover you.
In NC, policies are on the CAR not the driver.
Actually, let me take that back. You MAY be good for libility coverage, e.g. they'll py your damage to somebody else, but def not for your new vehicle. I'd call my agent and just ask, that's why you pay them so much $$....
insurance is cheap, so don't go without it. the fines and trouble are more than just paying insurance for a week or so on the truck.
I know for a fact, that if you are stopped/pulled over in NC, and the tag dont match the car, or even if the tag has expired...they will get out a screwdriver, remove the tag, put it in the trunk of the patrol car, and make you walk all the way back to group camp from the end of Mullinex rd, at night, with no flash light...........ooops, got off on a tangent there! Any way, they will take the tag and you have to arrange pick up of the car. So driving with a bad tag in NC is not tolerated, so dont get caught!
So driving with a bad tag in NC is not tolerated, so dont get caught!

It's not tolerated when they catch somebody. I know someone who drove around for 2 years with the same 30 day tag and never got caught. A dumb thing to do regardless.
Yes it is illegal to run some NC plates on it to get it down, and yes that is what most people do. Not sure about getting a temp 3 day tag, hadn't heard of it but I wouldn't doubt it. Running an NC tag and not getting the truck insured is taking a risk driving it back from NY, which is quite a distance. But unless your flying out there you will/should have someone fallowing behind you anyway driving the vehicle you took up there back. It all depends on what your comfortable with. If you have the time and means to go the legal way more power to you, but if not then you know what your getting yourself into.