Removing Spray Paint?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2008
Is there a certain way to remove spray paint from a car? The owner before me that had my '88 Jeep Cherokee painted the lines on the lower doors black all the way back and up the quarter panels. Sanding isn't really doing anything. All it's doing is taking the paint off in certain places and fading the rest of the black paint to grey. Is there a trick to removing the paint without damaging what's underneath? Thanks!
aerosol paint stripper
I've already tried paint stripper, gasoline, 60, 80, 120 etc sand paper and it still hasn't done much. Anything else?
sanding disc on a grinder.
Another question, can I just paint over the black? I want to paint the Jeep back white like the rest of the Jeep is. The surface is really smooth. I've went over it a couple times with 320 after I sanded with 60, 80, and 120. I'm thinking of using Krylon. How well will this work?
I'm actually thinking about just painted the whole Jeep either OD green or flat tan. Having a hard time deciding which would look better but I'm leaning more towards OD green.