
Aug 26, 2012
a few months ago, i made the swap it starts and runs every time and has more power than the renix, but its a dog. i put a new tps and it was rippin for a couple days, then it was a dog again. anybody ever had this problem? could you point me in the right direction?:wtf:
my tranny is also not shifting into OD right. it shifts right from second to third then right into OD. real hard gas pedal too.
what did you swap? Pulled all the Renix and replaced 100% with HO sensors, ECU, etc? The Renix TPS requires some adjustment, if you still have that, I'd check that. Not sure what to do with an HO TPS, other than check the voltage at idle and WOT, google to see aht it should be. Tranny issues could be the TV cable (the one next to the throttle cable). The adjustment on that is pretty important for proper AW4 shifting, it sets the line pressure in the tranny. Hard gas pedal could be the throttle the bracket where both cables go firmly bolt to the intake manifold?
The hard shifting can be caused by a bad sensor, had several bad TPS sensors from AutoZone/Advanced, they would last about a week, and when they went bad, it would shift first to second normal and then shift as fast as possible 2-3-4, bam bam bam, and lock the converter. It would take forever to get up to speed after getting to 20mph.
I can't see the site but I have the renix fuel injection factory service manual. It has all the testing criteria for the sensors. It can all be done with a multimeter.