Renting question

360 Spyder

New Member
Feb 12, 2006
Near the chicken coops
OK... We rent a mobile home.

We had plans for today, but it looks like we will have to cancel/postpone them because... our landloard decided completely unannounced or discussed, to pop over and start painting our roof.

Is there a rule against that? I mean... I know they own the place, but come on... them being able to just come and go as they please and disturb us like this? Last week they decided it would be a super idea to pressure wash the place. Never mind that we were inside trying to rest. Now today they are up on the roof walking around painting it...

All I am asking is, can they do that or are they required to tell us in advance? I have no problem with then doing it... just please let us know so we can decide if we want to be here or not... It just seems like common curtosy if nothing else.
Common courtesy aside....just be glad they are keeping the place up. They are probably ''cool-sealing'' the roof, not painting it. That will keep your power bills down a little. Just keep a check on what you are doing, when they show up. But yeah, unannounced visits from the landlord are a pain, just get used to it and adapt.
Have you mentioned this to the landlord?
As landlords, my parents and I pretty much do anything that needs to be done around our schedule. If its something major, we try to give a notice, but thats not always the case. Most stuff happens on weekends unless its extremely important (like a major leak etc) then it happens in the evening after Dad gets off work. If your landlords sole income is from property, the he is probably more flexible. If he works a regular job and does real estate on the side, then hes probably like us. Like Corey said, ask for a notice, it cant hurt.

Your landlord is completely within his legal rights to do that. One more reason why renting is not the smartest thing. Your best bet is to just talk to the guy and ask him politely to give you a little notice next time. If you go making demands...well, that's not the best way to go here.

On a completely different subject, any idea why he's fixing up the place? In my experience these things generally don't come out of the kindness in their hearts. Any chance he's fixing stuff up because he's about to sell it?
i just got done with an Ag. Law class and according to the books unless its an emergency repair they are supposed to notify you that they are coming if its inside the place. Outside, things to keep appearances up or regular maintenance for the most part they do not have to tell you. Talking to him is prob. your best bet, just be nice and hopefully he will be nice back!
When we used to rent, it was in the contract that the owner could stop in and do "spot" checks whenever he wanted. He would give us some notice that he was doing it though.
Unannounced entry is against the law in NC, if I have read correctly. I know that is not exactly your situation, but they have to give 24 hours notice to make entry, unless it is an emergency. I'm pretty sure that is REGARDLESS of what the contract says. I can find the webistes that talk about this if you want, but just do a search on "nc rental law"
