Repacking Springs


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2005
My toyota springs are begingin to dearch....I add some springs to make them arch up a bit. I need about 3 inchs of lift for my oil pan to be happy. What springs do yaul suggest adding?
I definetly need some with arch
I'm not sure of the lenght but they are from an 89 so they are longer than eariler springs....I think around 6"s longer
I might get an add a leaf kit from 4wp
My sprind pack currently has 5 springs...the two lowers are missing. I have a matching spring set and a 2" add a leaf on the way. Which springs should I mix and match around?
anyone out there?
This is probably just gonna be trial and error.
This is probably just gonna be trial and error.


I'd start by adding one or two leafs depending on how bad it is, then go from there.