Replacement Fuel Tank '98 Tacoma?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Franklinville, NC
HELP NEEDED: Replacement Fuel Tanks?

I had to recently have the starter on my '98 Tacoma rebuilt and while the truck was on the lift I noticed a strong gas smell. I pulled the skid plate off the fuel tank and found a small wet spot and a 1/4" very fine crack in my tank. The previous owner must have hit something because the dent in the skid plate matches up to where the dent/crack are in my tank. I searched Google and could not find a source for replacement tanks. Can you purchase them via the aftermarket or is it a stealership only option? Thanks for any help.

FYI it is a 1998 Tacoma reg cab 2.7 4wd with an auto trans.

<>< Fish
There are places that will deal in used tanks. There is one here in Winston I believe. Most salvage yard destroy them. Let me get with my parts guy tomorrow and I'll let you know.
Talked to my parts guy who talked to his fuel tank guy. :shaking: $75 for a Tacoma tank.