Research Methods in Psychology


Jun 25, 2006
<rant> Sucks. Do you know how hard it is to come up with ideas to "propose" and write a research paper on in the field of clinical psychology when it has to be "original" and not to complicated because you're just an undergrad. :shaking: </rant>
Hopefully, the grammar in this "research paper" will be better than that of your post. :flipoff2:

Besides, what kind of major breakthroughs could you make considering a.) you're undergrad and b.) its psychology... a study loosely deemed science?
# 1 its 2 am and this is an fourwheeling forum's chat section..... :fuck-you: grammer
#2 Its not really gettin proposed. Just teaching us how to write apa style research papers.
#3 The only thing I could think of in the field that i had to research (clincal psych) was "Hypnotherapy as opposed to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the treatment of Bulimia Nervosa" and my hypothesis is going to be something along the lines of adolescents respond better to hypnotherapy for treatment of BN. Thanks for the offer Jason, but its due tomorrow and I've got all 10 articles i have to use
I'm only writing the intro, so basically I have to write about other peoples research that is very close to mine, but not too close other wise my topic isn't "original" enough.
Oh and :uzi:chuck :flipoff2:
<rant> Sucks. Do you know how hard it is to come up with ideas to "propose" and write a research paper on in the field of clinical psychology when it has to be "original" and not to complicated because you're just an undergrad. :shaking: </rant>

Uh, yeah, as a matter of fact, I do know... I married one. It only gets worse the deeper you get.

After all, you know what someone with a bachelor's in Clinical Psychology says, right?

"Paper or plastic, sir?" :flipoff2:
Hm, is this by any chance for Ludwig? That's who I had for the whole research methods sequence at App. Believe it or not, I actually got quite a lot out it.
And you're going to have a hard time getting any pity out of me, I went through the whole shebang, w/ Masters in Exp psych too, before changing fields for the rest of my training... but the psych still is the basis of everything I do now.
If you don't like writing papers then you might want to consider an alternate career. This is beans compared to a graduate thesis.
It seems like for my research project I did one on the Loftus-style manipulation of memory, warping people's memory/report of an event by using leading questons afterwards. It didn't work btw, got the record for the lowest t-score in the class.
Hopefully, the grammar in this "research paper" will be better than that of your post. :flipoff2:
Besides, what kind of major breakthroughs could you make considering a.) you're undergrad and b.) its psychology... a study loosely deemed science?
FWIW what I learned (after going through it) was that they don't reall yexpect majot breakthroughs, b/c, yeah, you're just an idiot undergrad. They just wan tto see taht you can put logical thoughts tgether and put together a review that builds to a logical conclusion... b/c you have to do this a LOT in psych papers.

Oh and while there are TONS of terribly done studies in the name of psych, you'd be quite shocked and depressed how much more scientifically controlled most are than those performed by MDs and others who consider themselves "scientists" but have never had any real training in the scientific method or even know how statistics should be used (or even what a T-test is).
Walking in with my degrees in psych, I found myself teaching stats and scientific methods to not only classmates but faculty in neurobiology. Sad.
FWIW what I learned (after going through it) was that they don't reall yexpect majot breakthroughs, b/c, yeah, you're just an idiot undergrad. They just wan tto see taht you can put logical thoughts tgether and put together a review that builds to a logical conclusion... b/c you have to do this a LOT in psych papers.

Hit the nail on the head. Maybe it was just my professor but she always explained that to us. She did not expect some huge finding just that we could produce a paper that flowed well and carried a central thought. And of course the whole APA formatting chit. I only had to take intro to psych though. D@mn gen eds.
No I dont' have Ludwig. I have another teacher.

I have no problem with writing research papers. I was merely bitching about the difficulty of this one because of all of the restrictions that we had. Stuff like, it had to be original but couldn't be too original because there had to be at least 10 articles pertaining to a subject close to your subject. I would have just rather been able to have some free reign on what I did.
actually, :uzi: apa i hate that crap.

Oh yeah, and unless you stay in psych at an APA acredited program and publish only in APA journals, you'll never use that format.
Most journals have their own requirements.
Beauty is that tehse days, you can just use EndNote, RefMan or any similar software to pull in teh refs and auto-format the biblio for you. If I'd had to do my dissertation biblio by hand, it woudl have taken a week and loads of valium by itself.