Resume writing

There are people out there that do it professional. One i used before had hook ups with alot of HR people and would send resume's out for you, She set up like 10 inerveiwes for me with companies i sent resume myself and didnt get a reply

AKA a recruiter? If you're looking to get whored out, find a recruiting firm that does your industry - there's a company for most every industry possible. They don't cost you a damn thing but they'll send you out to everyone and help with that stuff.
You may also want to try a local university/college. Typically, they have folks that will critique/edit your resume. I know the service is free to students, and I'm sure if you ask nicely enough, they may be able to help you out too. Seeing as you're in China Grove, you might wanna try RCCC, Catawba, Pfeiffer, etc.