RFID systems


everyday is a chance to get better
Apr 10, 2005
Greenville, NC
Anyone familiar with RFID systems?

I am looking at a system for tracking our racers but don't want to spend $4000 on a "built" system.

I'm interested in anyone that can help with figuring out a generic system for testing...

You're wanting to use it to track racers as the cross the finish line I presume?

Yes :D

There are some systems out there but I really don't want to spend $4000 and I'm sure racers don't want to spend $285 per transponder...

There is a cheaper transponder that works well so i'd hope to either find something else that works similar if cheaper or utilize that transponder and build the reader and antenna.

I know there are some guys out there that are much smarter than I when it comes to this type of thing....
I haven't had a lot of experience with RFID systems, but what little I do have/remember: In order to get the range you need, you'll need to go with higher frequencies which equates to higher costs. I think 915mhz+ will do 10'? Something like that. It's been a good while since I've looked into it though. I'll check around the webz a bit.

You should just have them all have iPhones or Droids and make an app for that! :D