Rider Down: Please keep my friend Andy in your prayers


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2005
i just got a call a few min ago from one of my best friends....telling me that another of my friends went down on his bike. I only know:
he was passing in a curve, driving over his head
slid his bike out, which hit my best friend eugene in the leg
he then slid up and under a guardrail...........and was severly compacted and crushed.

I was told that he has compound fractures below the waist...and that he punctured a lung as he was struggling to breathe. he was knocked out on impact...

he was airlifted to asheville...so...i guess i'll just have to wait to hear..

eugene called me a bit ago, as he got back in town, and he's on the way to the ER for his leg

but...please keep him in your prayers...
thanks guys...

and if you ride...PLEASE wear your gear!
Where were they riding?
[Airlift to Asheville]

He is in the prayers.
Wishing the best for your friend. Ditto on the WEAR YOUR GEAR part, but also ride within your limits and road conditions. I hate to hear about any rider having a get-off, but it's worse when it's their fault. :(
he was passing in a curveQUOTE]

Illegal Passing?

I have had this happen to me. That puts them in danger and more importantly ME or my family. Makes me want to punch them in the face!
Sad to hear about your friend, I hope he gets to learn from his mistake. Save that Kind of riding for the track
I hope he is alright. My buddy stopped by today with road rash. He was just slowing down and the front end slid out. So now he can't work on his heep and asked me for some help.
Sounds pretty nasty.. We'll be thinking about him.
he was riding on 181...and instead of going to asheville..they rerouted to Carolina's Medical Center

yeah.....i jsut got more of the story and an update:

Andy was riding over his head...pretty much. he came up to a coner too fast, and lowsided. his bike hit the guard rail and then came back and t-boned my best friend eugene...and punctured his leg..

and...as for andy......
one leg is cleanly broken. titanium rod, and it should be fine.

the other leg...which apparently took the grunt of the impact
has 4 SEVERE breaks...and is going to take a bit of titanium plating and rods and screws to do anything with.....if they can save it

he's broken all of his ribs, and one went and punctured his lung

i was also told he crushed vertabrate...but wasn't told which side of the spinal cord it was...or the extent of that damage. i was also told that he COULD move his toes......so that's a good sign on the paralysis aspect

we're about to head up to CMC to see his family, but i doubt any of us will even ask to go in........just in case, none of us wants to remember andy on a bed in ICU, if things don't go ok..........
well, it just depends on what shape he's in. i was told he was heavily sedated...and he's not even realzie we were in there anyways....if this is true, i'll not be going in. I lost a different friend on May 4, 2004...to an auto accident..and the last thing i saw was him dying in front of me...and it's haunted me for years (still does occasionally).....and i just don't want to remember andy like that...if the worse comes true
well, it just depends on what shape he's in. i was told he was heavily sedated...and he's not even realzie we were in there anyways....if this is true, i'll not be going in. I lost a different friend on May 4, 2004...to an auto accident..and the last thing i saw was him dying in front of me...and it's haunted me for years (still does occasionally).....and i just don't want to remember andy like that...if the worse comes true

i hear ya man. it's tough as hell sometimes.:(
well....just got to gatlinburg after going to charlotte to see his family....but, everyone's still real down. he was in surgery for his legs...they're going to go ahead and do the rods on both.

he's on a respirator and is KINDA aware of things. he can nod and he's opened his eyes a few times...and can wiggle all of his extremities

i'll update as i find stuff out
he was passing in a curveQUOTE]
Illegal Passing?
I have had this happen to me. That puts them in danger and more importantly ME or my family. Makes me want to punch them in the face!
I hate to see anyone get hurt but I do agree with kc4x4.
When did this happen Rob?
damn, i'll definitely keep him in my thoughts/prayers. stories like this hit close to home, i was t-boned by a car on a bike about 8 months ago and am still fighting the effects of it and having surgeries.
haha, well nothing has been fast about it yet. hopefully it won't be as long as it has been though.

i won't sugar coat it, he's got a long, hard, hell of a road of recovery ahead of him. not only physically, but mentally as well. if he wants to talk to someone that's been through it, feel free to get in touch with me. it sounds like we sustained similar injuries, especially the legs.
another update:

right leg is fixed. it was the one wiht the clean break.
they started the left leg...and there were some complications....so they gave him a fw hours to get back right. he got stable, and they tried again...and his o2 dropped off....so, they rescheduled till thursday. if he's not back to good by then...they're going to wait a whole week...and keep him on hte respirator...........