My sister,as some of you know, has some serious mental issues. She suffers from manic depression,bi-polar and moderate schizophrenia. She has a new baby and an older son.
It takes her an hour to make a decision, two hours to ponder her decision and 3 hours to act on it. And usually it is a bad decision. Alot of the things she says makes no sense random jibberish,her guilt trips are unfathomable, her ability to process a conversation is hit and miss at best. She can stand in our living room, non committed to watch tv,non committed to sit down, she is just ''there'' really. She just holds her baby and constantly watches the clock. Like she feels like she should be somewhere doing something, but just cant quite place it. Hard to explain really.
I could go on and on and never explain it all.
Life is hard on the families of people like my sister. Sometimes we(my wife and I) have to stop,step outside and come to grips with the fact that this is not normal and she doesn't even know it. I have reasoned with my wife, that getting mad at my sister for NOT making any sense,is probably like getting mad at paralyzed Timmy for not walking to the mailbox.
Yet there are times of brilliance,normal conversation,laughter,love,sharing childhood memories,talking politics..just like normal. I will say that those ''normal times'' are few and far between.
She has seen doctors and somehow(I feel) she can placate the doctors. They have always seen much worse.So it seems she gets a ''sorta'' clean bill of health and gets sent on here way. She does not live with us, but has her own place. I have to admit that her situation has kept us at bay from visiting her at home, but we invite her over all the time.
Its hard to have a real conversation about her issues because she gets so defensive, she'll leave and not be heard from for days. Only to show back up, like nothing ever happened.
Like I said, I could go on for days about how depression and other mental illness' could lead to devastation throughout an entire family.
This may sound a bit selfish, but sometimes, I swear , this disease is harder on the loved ones and family than it is on the person that actually suffers from the illnesses.
We are keeping the best eye on her and her children that we can. But we cant be there 24/7.