Rockwell Axels

rodney eppes

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
Mt.Holly NC 28120
A coworker called me from out of town today. Thinks hes' found a great deal on Rockwells; front & rear sets. Wondering if there is a market, & what guys typically pay for such. What sells & what doesn't. Assuming there are different sizes=5-10 ton?
Looked up Rockwells, checked couple E-bay sites=$100-$5000?
What's the skinny[ or in this case-the biggy]! :confused:
Fronts are between 500 and 1000, I see most of them around 800. Rears go from free to 200 bucks. These prices are for 2.5 ton which is pretty standard.....mud guys seems to go for the 5 tons now.
The prices above are for ball joint axles...ball and claw considerably less.
when the economy tanked, and guys decided they could no longer afford $4k for a set of huge tires the demand for rockwells kinda dried up.

for a while, there was a dramatic turn to small tire'd crawlers. As people are learning how to manage in the new economy we are starting to see some more rockwells under rigs again.

If he is dealing with a guy named Daniel from oklahoma....i would pass on the deal. just sayin.
Usually see them for 800-1000 for a pair.
If you're gon'na get sets of 2.5 ton rocks for $500, I'll take just the fronts if there u joint, put me down for 4 and you can keep the rears.

But, u joint only and turn by hand. None of those buried in mud or bomb range axles, been there - done that - rebuilt them.

I agree with Eric, the economy has really killled the market on these, just hope things get better when obama is out.

I've got a ball & claw in the shop right now, turns by hand - $750