Rod End

I'm not really sure what your point is, but I get longer life out of the FK precision Teflon joints than anything else I've tried.
I own some of their 1 inch rod ends I'm pretty sure.
I'm like 99% that's who made them.
Got them for really cheap through an off road shop in town before they closed. I havent abused them enough to really speak for quality, but I do know its a royal pain in the balls finding weld-in inserts for them. Same thing with misalignment spacers, which I ended up finding on some big dumb mud truck website.
For those that may not know. They Don't use teflon. Check out the video, & also their Face Book page.

Are you saying they changed the products in their catalog, or that they are selling fraudulent products that are not what is advertised? Many of the rod ends and sphericals are specifically called out in their online catalog as being PTFE lined, many are not.

I'm not on Facebook, and don't consider FB to be any kind of legitimate source of information so I'm not looking at anything there.
I've never had Any rod ends, myself. Just happen to catch this on a Motor Trend show, & Of course as an advertiser or sponsor, the Show made out like these are the best! Maybe even New to the industry. On the show [forgot which 1 it was] they showed how Their balls were made different, to get grease all the way around instead of just lubing where the zerk is. And the showed how many of the products, had an injected polymer, that was Self lubricating, & sealed better than teflon. I visited the web site & found a tiny video where the sound was barely audible, but you could make it out. I think on their FB page, there were other videos, but I didn't play them. Just passed this on as Information.