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I suppose it is time for an 19 month update.

It still kicks a pretty substantial amount of ass on the trail :D

Been to Windrock, Harlan, Chocco, Quarry Town, The Flats and The Shop a few dozen times. No breakage, no worn parts, no nothing! I haven't had to do any repairs or anything. Just maintainence.

I guess the only thing of note was a proper air intake tube. Ever since I have had the truck it would occasionally want to stall while idling, have a rolling idle and basically not idle like I would like. Coming from the 5.0 Fox body world, I associated it with a bit of a lumpy cam. Nothing i couldn't live with or anything. The way it was set up was the MAF hardmounted to a tab on the chassis with a 3.25" x 8" long intake hose attached to the throttle body. So the MAF was pretty close to the engine. Twice (when I was getting jiggy with the throttle) the engine would rock enough so the hose would pull off the MAF and it would run poorly. i got tired of it and bought a generic flexible air intake tube that enough slack where it wouldn't happen again. Now the air filter and MAF are behind the headlamp with a 30" run to the throttle body. Much like a stock Fox body. Doing so made it cold start like a stock V8, never stalls and it idles like a tractor. All along, I needed the MAF relocated away from heat and further away from the TB. Just like a Mustang likes.

I also recently swapped my 43 Sticky SX on Racelines for 42" sticky Treps on Dirty Life wheels. Dirty Life is trying to spread the word about how cool their wheels are and partnered with a local wheel distributor to have me showcase their toughness and good looks. Much like [USER=937]@McCracken[/USER], handsome and strong. [USER=12595]@Stuntman Autoworks[/USER] is always making excuses why my rig does so much better than his, so I decided the best way to show my driving superiority to run the same tires he does. Maybe that'll shut him up. Unlikely, but I'm hopeful. :flipoff2:

I am going to drop my truck off with [USER=11372]@stinkbomb[/USER] in a month or two for some toob refreshening. Somehow a bunch of it has been tweaked and I like his style. Plus, I want to see him climb in my rig. Luckily, he is an awesome fabricator and I'm sure he'll come up with a way to reach the pedals to drive it in his shop, NTK Fab. Going to give him a blank canvas and a budget to see what he comes up with. I desparately need more weight behind the axle for downhill stability. A new 25 gallon fuel cell and unique storage system for my tools and spares should greatly help. I look forward to seeing what he comes up with.

Over the winter I will likely add a NW Fab crawlbox primarily for better front driveline angles. I run a hogged out 1410 from [USER=975]@Oliver's[/USER] but still need more droop without binding. Best way will be to run a longer driveshaft. So why not move it back with the use of a doubler? Crawlbox mated to my 4.3 Atlas will give me tons of control when crawling.

To summarize: I bought a truck with pretty good bones and modified everything on it (aside from the actual chassis) to best suit my desires and driving style. Fast forward a few years and I couldn't be much happier. It's a point and shoot rig that takes everything I throw at it. Looking forward to continued beatings and body damage until I strip it down and put everything in a buggy chassis in a year or two...

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