Rowan/Cabarrus Crew - URE Ride 10/22 - 10/24


Sep 28, 2009
Concord, NC
At the last meet -n- greet we talked about this trip. IIRC, those who said they would make it were myself, cgm147, jonnyB, 704eric and jweezyferg. I wanted to put this thread together so we can all get organized and figure out what we're doing.

Here's my plans:
Friday - tentative camping
Saturday - CTB work day Saw Mill 9am - ?? (Camping Saturday night)
Sunday - Plan to wheel

That being said, I won't be able to wheel much with you guys on Saturday, but I would like for us all to camp in the same spot. So, what is everyone elses plans? When and where do we want to meet? Do we want to join up with 4x4E who will also be down there this weekend? Do you guys want to come help out on Saw Mill on Saturday?
i think me and mine are gonna meet at bojangles at 8 sat. campin at the usual spot on dicky bell
i think you mean justinh but none the lessits a no go for me.
might be a cornhole tourny at our campsite
jonnyB, looks like the RC crew is gonna be you me and clayton. Y'all just want to help out with the work on Saw Mill, ride then camp, then ride on Sunday?
casy, robbie, 704eric, and mark are also goin. I wasn't plannin on ridin all day sun
WOOOOOOO! Raider's ready to go. I did tons of maintenance this week. Custom rock bumper(thanks matt) better tires, and just got done welding the god-awful rearend! Camping stuff packed and ready for tomorrow morning! BOJANGLES! OH YEAH!
yeah i had a great time too, next time we need more firewood though
i only got one pic :flipoff2:


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Clbta?^^^^^? scoop?
JB, I think your bad luck. I wish I could have made it but then that might have been RED on the the other end of that strap.
nah, but now I think I understand the jeep thing