rss feeds may be broken


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
It seems that RSS feeds for Commerce, Vehicles for Sale don't seem to be updating, or at least don't seem to updating for live bookmarks on Firefox. I noticed this before, but didn't really pay attention to it. Might be a FF issue. I noticed with both Firefox 2.0 (OS X) and Firefox 3.0 (OS X).
Do you know what URL you're using? I can load them, so they're working on the board's end.
Yeah, it's got to be a configuration error of some sort, the board is generating the feeds, and my personal feeds are updating properly. I don't use FF live bookmarks, so I couldn't say.
Yeah, the URL is fine. You can change it to XML or RSS by replacing where it says "RSS2" in the address... but RSS2 should be fine. Either way, when you click on the link you posted, the board creates the RSS page, so it's working.