rules on harvesting rattlesnakes in NC

Supposedly all we need to do is cross into PA and we are rich!o_O
.......or in even more trouble:eek:ops:
I'm no expert but i think selling native animals is illegal, that does'nt mean it does'nt happen. I heard a guy say what he could "get" for some types of snakes years ago and was surprised by the amount's.....He was from Mass. and said people bought them for pets.
When I lived in TN along Chimney Top MTN. the state took a consencus and declared we were shy on rattlesnake population. They dropped them by hellicopters. We watched in amazement... I assure you Chimney Top is not shy of rattlesnakes... TN money well spent. This was in 1989 or 1990?
Dropping snakes from Helicopters ranks right up there with the dumbasses that turned all the Coyotes loose around here. I appriciate the free target practice, but farmers hate them. Back in the 80's they 'reestablished' wild burros in New Mexico (I think) high deserts. The stupid things would stand in the very scarce water holes and piss and crap until it was poisioned and was killing all the other animals. Government spent like 3 grand per burro to move them out by helicopter.:shaking: Jimmy Carter's administration at it's best.