From what I've seen over the years those things are little tanks built right but you better get your skills on. Fairly high CG, 90" wb and no weight.
Downsides seem to be transfercase mountings. (case, arms etc pulling out, breaking cases etc...), stock axles have birfields that look like they came off a Barbie jeep and are narrow. They can take a far amount of abuse but as cheap as toys are.....
Frames are strong enough but weak for side loads. Lots of track bar mounts pull off and we pulled a spring mount off Fletch on a run. Never thought I'd see a spring mount pull off a frame that easy. Of course how strong does the frame need to be, the thing weighs about what my Goldwing does.
YJ's, toys, 6:5 transfer gears, lock both ends, IFS outers, IFS rear, 16v swap w/efi and good t-case mounts and beat the shit out of it. Fun little rigs.