Sbc to 42re/np242 anyone know the downside?


Bad News
Aug 10, 2008
Blacksburg, Va
Ok so eventually ill get to building this zj but trying to weigh out pros and cons of potential drivetrains, so it startd with leaving the 4.0 and 42re and switch 242 for maybe a d300... But since ive purchased a 14ff c&c rear with waggy 44 ill do 8 lug that makes the 4.0 basically a lil :poop: in a big ass toilet! What exactly would be the down side of using my 42re with a chevy 350 or 400, or hell is it even possible through AA, novak? more than likely 4 bolt 350 tho, plan on running around 38s to 40s and 4.10 or 4.56 gearing i want to keep automatic trans simply for convenience offroad. with that being said would it be easier to find a 350/th350/208 and use that, gonna set up on propane so no worries on computer junk for engine gonna do simple wiring harness from chevy. Any advice no-no's or things that will come to haunt me would be appreciated fella's, gonna be a good while till this build starts its def on budget kinda an budgets not in this area at the moment... thanks in advance! Not many zj's with sbc so not to much research material ive come across just to let yall know im not being lazy and failing to do my homework!~:popcorn:
If you're going to keep it a stock 350 on propane, why not try and find a 5.2 or 5.9? The adapter alone would cost somewhere in the $4-500 range. I assume you're talking about a driverside drop waggoneer 44, so the np208 isn't going to work, but otherwise if you're stuck on SBC I would also run a chevy trans and tcase. And since you are talking 8 lug and 40's, a gm d60 is where you're headed. Sounds like you need to keep an eye out for a set of cucv axles.
Ughhh lol trying to stay out of the d60 front but i see where ya coming from i honestly didnt wanna go bigger than 38's cause i like technical wheeling an 40's+ is pretty much throttle and go... Yeah didnt know think about the waggy front drop it is opposite the 208 but 300 would work wouldnt it? It can be flipped or what not. Im thinkin the straight chevy drivetrain would make life alot easier honestly, just wasnt sure if they made adapters for that setup and if id have problem in other areas but looks like i need to make decision might have 4.0/42re/242 for sale on here soon with bout 80k on em, dunno gonna see what few ppl think but i believe your correct on chevy trans tcase!!! thanks
Im new to the 42re..only been driving a GC with 193K on it for 3 wks..and its already been replaced once........but everything Ive been reading says they are a medium duty trans....they dont even put em behind a V-8 GC, so I personally would never put one behind a V8 of any you thought....probably wouldnt bolt up anyway.
Yeah well ill warn ya now replace filters and change fluid in it ive destroyed one in mud and one on rocks and one on interstate (my ingorance)!! They hold up decent offroad till ya wheelie and slam right on the damn pan then splat! Leaning toward full chevy swap i think its not ever going on road again so it seems like smarter idea to me!?!?!?
how serious of a sbc are we talking here? anything beyond a stock tbi or carb motor will probably kill a 42re pretty fast if you stand on it & get the rpms up, plus you have the expense of the adapter set-up. i'm feeling a th350 would be tougher as well as easier and cheaper to build for punishment. for transfer cases, a np241c is a possibility which will be driver's drop and bolt up to a th350.
^YEP thats what im going for since its not gonna be on the road might transplant my 350/350/208 in my k5 im working on and find bbc for that blazer!!! :D The 350 in my k5 isnt something radical is gonna be mildly built not a major gas sucker looking for dependability instead of thrash it with extreme set up and have to rebuild!!! oh and im pretty sure 208 wont work with waggy front so im in market for D300 unless someone has a better idea for my waggy axle selection!? thanks yall got me rolling and thinking bout smartest way to do this without dropping unibod on a k5 frame lol :beer:
241c? which vehicles can i find these in stock? hell ill find out before i get a responce but thanks!
Damn well i searched and only really got the 91 burbs and 90 gmc 3/4 tons are these strong tcases only need low dont want high or all time 4x4 shit either!lol
I think the only part thats gonna suck is not being able to take body off frame on zj to do new mounts and shit! its already tight with a 4.0 setup, how snug is the 350 in a cherokee engine bay????