
those islamic groups are the most violent and crazy people in the world. they dont want peace, they want to kill everyone in the name of islam! i say let them blow themselves up!!:fuck-you:
I love how ironic those people are..

Holding signs up about DEATH to freedom...

yet they are protesting, courtesy of FREEDOM
those islamic groups are the most violent and crazy people in the world. they dont want peace, they want to kill everyone in the name of islam! i say let them blow themselves up!!:fuck-you:
I'm all for them killing themselves, the only problem is that they like to take a bunch of peace loving innocent people with them.

Macdaddy, yea those people have no common sense, (Obviously) But we all allready knew that.
I believe the biggest distinction is made when a group, whoever it is, polices itself. When there is no outcry, policing, whatever from inside a group about the baddies inside that group, then run with the wolves applies.
Unlike Europe, we have the 2nd Amendment....the ex-military and deer hunters will take care of business....
Run with the wolves and you're a wolf.


wow, i can't believe you had the balls to get your wheel well dirty with a cowardly statement like that.

fuck you, die.

(oh this isn't pbb is it?)

sorry mudott, let's be friends. but if i run with you, does that make me, by your own logic, an asshole?

think before you speak.

grow up.

i would ban you if i could.
mud, try reading before you speak....did you read the article???
and did you even watch/read the first minute of the video???

i work with a bunch of doctors. does that make me a doctor?
i also work with a bunch of janitors. does that make me a janitor?
i go to school with mostly girls. does that make me a girl?

you speak like a dumbass. does that make you a dumbass?

The Walsall North MP added that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Britain "have the same distaste as the rest of us about these thugs".

"I hope it will be the last time we ever see such a demonstration, totally unacceptable to the Muslim community," he said.
Other Muslims maintained that the protesters were extremists not representative of mainstream British Muslims:
Asghar Bukhari, chairman of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, said the demonstration in London should have been stopped by police because the group had been advocating violence.

He said the protesters "did not represent British Muslims".

Mr Bukhari told the BBC News website: "The placards and chants were disgraceful and disgusting, Muslims do not feel that way.

"I condemn them without reservation, these people are less representative of Muslims than the BNP are of the British people."

He said that Muslims were angry over satirical cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published in European papers but it was "outrageous" for anyone to advocate extreme action or violence.

"We believe it [the protest] should have been banned and the march stopped.