School me on full hydro


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
Charleston, SC
First I'll start off with what I know. This is a little long winded so bear with me.

I know there are the standard 4 port orbitals and the power beyond 5 port. I also know that I will need an open center and I am not worried about return to center. Where I'm lost is when it comes to what size I need.

For my application I need a single ended 8" stroke ram. I know that it will be more turns on one side than the other and I'm fine with that. Again I'm lost on what size ram I need.

For now I'd like to be able to get by with the stock pump on my Ranger but I will upgrade to a Saginaw pump as soon as I can. I will be running a decent sized cooler either way as I know it's a must have.

I'm running a D50 front and tires will be 38-39" Swampers. The Ranger itself is very light and most of my weight is going to be my axles and links.

Lastly where are some good websites to find the parts to piece a system together?
Get a 2x8 ram at tractor supply for about $75. That's what I have and it's done very well. I welded a plate across the front after I dented one and had difficulty getting it home.
Subscribed, I've got a lot of the same questions, but I'll be running rockwells and 44" tsl's, and am hoping to use the stock pump on my bronco.
as for the 8 inch ram,ranger pump,i might me wrong but assuming somewhere in the 7.3 orbital.
can someone chime in to see if thats a close est.
The larger the orbital the quicker the steering, correct?
So a 2x8 ram and a 7.3 orbital.
that would be my guess,if your planning on putting the GM sagnaw pump on it i would go even bigger(9.7)it would be super fast,the ranger pump i dont believe will handle the 9.7

the 7.3 with ranger pump will be like 6-7 turns lock to lock,with the 9.7 and good pump it will be somewere in the 2-3 turns

lets see what other members say.ive messed with it on a few rigs but i know there is more exp members on the board that can confirm your question
double ended rams take less fluid to turn over a single . if you go to surplus center you can find all the orbitals and there cubic displacement. you can also see there rated gpm. a modified power steering pump does about 4 gpm as far as i know. im running a 2.5 by 10 dual ended and i have a 9.7 orbital (211-10-10) . mine does good but the factory pump struggles at idle. to figure your lock to lock turn find out how many c.c. of fluid it takes to displace your ram them figure the c.c. per turn of your orbital and divide.
The smaller diameter the shaft the less fluid it requires and quicker it turns. 1.75 is common for hydro assist and 2" is standard for full hydro
Figure the cubic inches of space inside the bore of the ram, then you will know hoew many turnes lock ot lock. According to what cubic inch per turn orbital you have or need to buy. Don't forget to allow for the volume of displacement of the rod.

If your using a single ended ram & are concerned about the speed of the ram being different, orifice the rod end.

Good flow is a must, minimum 4-5 gpm