Scout II rear bumper pics

The Punisher

Feb 9, 2009
Loris, South Carolina
I've got a 74' Scout II i'm looking at building a rear bumper for and was wondering if anyone on here had any pics of theirs for some ideas. I'm looking at all ideas in general so the pics doesn't have to be on a scout but some of scouts would be nice too. Thanks Guys Jason:popcorn:
Ok thanks for the info, already tried that too.
Nah i always miss extreme anymore, i've looked at some build threads on here and pirate but there is so many i like. I'm thinkin of building something out of 2x4 tubing but still protect my rear corners too. Thanks again for the info guys!
biggest drawbacks to the Xtreme style are the "quick release latch" which is a set of grade-8 bolts.....meaning you have to have a wrench handy to take them loose when opening /closing the carrier & accessing the tailgate; second problem is that the assembly is welded / secured to the body up top, meaning the first time you back into something, slide into a tree or obstacle, you dent / wreck the body. That is why most of the really well designed bumpers don't bolt to or connect to the body.

Does it look cool? Yeah, I thought it looked cool. But I thought the concept fell flat when it came to the lack of a latch & connecting to the body. That design, though, could be improved upon to bypass those weaknesses.
Here are the rear bumper pics from my 'Scout' folder. Some are better than others.














Thanks Man, that helped a ton. The last pic is exactly what i had in mind, i just had to see it. Thanks again Jason
those are some cool pics, especially the one with the bumper turned on end to serve as a step :)

Also, looks like we know where Ian got his idea for the bumper. It's an exact replica of the one above ;)
Thanks Man, that helped a ton. The last pic is exactly what i had in mind, i just had to see it. Thanks again Jason
I've wheeled with that last scout. Built and Owned by Mike Troy in Castiac, CA. It's a sweet scout. Can't see his well in this shot, but it's in the back of this line.


Here's his build thread
Unfortunately he didn't document the rear bumper very well.
I finally got the nerve to take plasma and cut the rear bumper off thinking it was one that had been put on by a previous owner, Wrong! Turns out it was the original one from the factory and a replacement sells for $425 bucks on super scout specialities, that hurt my feelings. If most are like me then Stock Sucks, So its time to build and i'm still lookin for ideas. Thanks Jason