Scrap prices


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
Granite Quarry
I have a ton or two of scrap plus some short blocks and t-case shells I'm looking to ditch. I remember seeing a post not too long ago of someone offering $11 per 100. I've called around several places and it seems it's topping out around $9 per 100. I realize scrap rates are fickle, but I didn't figure a place would drop $2 over a couple days. Can anyone recall who was taking scrap at $11 per 100?
If its like around here that big price will be for vehicles,not loose scrap.The place I use is payin $9.75 per 100 as of yesterday.I always load up an old car/truck w my loose stuff.I took an ol Jtruck off that I had kept the axle out of and it weighted 5700lbs.Loose is bringin $8 per 100.Some places wont let ya load a car up so you need to ask before you do it.Here you can load it up,leave the gas tank on it as long as it has a hole in it and leave the tires on and the glass.
I realize scrap rates are fickle, but I didn't figure a place would drop $2 over a couple days.

Guess again. :lol:

Really! I took a load 2 weeks ago at $6.50, last week at $8. and yesterday was $10.50? This was for just white goods and dirty metal. And when you call some of these places for prices you're lucky to get an answer cause most places are stretched so thin right now. It's a gamble. Some of your bigger places usually has someone dedicated for phone calls but I've found the smaller places usually has a slight edge on prices. Foss's in Durham sometimes you have 1 man running the show. Weighs you in, goes and cranks the forklift to unload and then comes back to weigh you out.:shaking:
I've went twice in one day before and the general metal price changed $0.50 at mid-day. Copper is unreal how unsteady...
Just be sure to seperate for #1 cause it's at a high right now. Not an all time high but as high as it's been since the big crash. I've heard to compare metal prices with gas prices at the time and everything mentioned above goes for gas prices as well. I'm sure you've seen how gas prices can jump 3 times in one day.
There was a thread not long ago but I recall Western side of the state was giving more than my area. Just for comparison, yesterday at Foss's was also:
Aluminum - $46 per hundred
Catalytic's - $50 flat.

I think we need to keep a sticky going for scrap prices. Seems everybody on here has scrap. And if you have enough, it could be worth a road trip? Even though every time I try to drive across state to save money, it ends up costing me a ticket or a break down or something stupid...
I keep an eye on the local place cause they get some good stuff from time to time.I had'nt been by there in three or four days but I could tell by the parking lot that the price was back up.
^^^^SO true!^^^^
You can always tell when prices are up cause they are crushing and hauling off their metal at full pace... You know it's a bad time to scrap when all you see is cars stacked 6 tall EVERYWHERE. :lol: And also when you got 1 man running the show. :lol:
In W-S this morning it was $7.00 a 100.
went to holomes in east spencer today $10.50 per 100 heavy steel .60 cent per lb for cans came home with some $$ today not to bad
I had a house cleanin last week of stuff that had laid around and nobody had ask about for a couple of year and loaded it into an old CUCV hull,8776Lbs.Called before I left and guy said $11 per 100 over the phone.Got there and got unloaded and he paid me $12 per since it was all good metal (gears,axles,heads,housings,ect) and since I was always soo easy to deal with.:D:rolleyes:
I heard today it was gonna drop to $10 and I still have an old CJ to take.:shaking:
All I know is I hope the prices are the same where my parents are as a week and half ago...13.50 a hundred and a couple days later 15 a hundred...I have a old 79'dj-5 im gonna scrap cause i dont have time to mess with it and its taking up space..
All I know is I hope the prices are the same where my parents are as a week and half ago...13.50 a hundred and a couple days later 15 a hundred...I have a old 79'dj-5 im gonna scrap cause i dont have time to mess with it and its taking up space..

I haven't been keeping up much with scrap prices, but they're fickle...can rise and fall a couple bucks within 24 hours.