Screw national coffee day


Rarely serious.
Dec 29, 2010
This morning, I was up before everyone else. I poured a cup of coffee, filled my thermos, and went outside. I started up the road, and I took my first sip of coffee. Something wasn't right. I took a second sip and nearly puked. It had a familiar horrid taste, but I couldn't place it. I stopped at the gas station to get something less rancid to drink, and poured my coffee out in the parking lot. Then I smelled it. Stink bug.

Steph set up the pot last night, and evidently in the night one of those little demons found his way into the filter. I am sure when he got a hot shower he sprayed.

I recognized the flavor because a few years ago I had the privilege of tasting it. I was taking a drink of water, one flew in my mouth, and sprayed. I had to eat an entire tin of Altoids to get rid of the taste. At least this time it was diluted. I only tasted it for an hour or so.
I hate those bastards with the heat of 1000 suns.

They begin to come inside and in your walls this time of year. A micro-encapsulated pesticide like Onslaught sprayed 3 feet out and 3’ up on all of your outside walls will help a tremendous amount.

I have them get into work gloves in the shop because I mostly leave the doors open and then when I stick my hand in there I have stinky fingers for hours 🤬