Searching for a Job at your Job?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2007
High Point, NC
I work at a bank and honestly, Im done with it. We have a lot of companies that come through here and make deposits, but of coarse I can't ask while Im working if they are hiring. But I do a lot of research through the internet at my work on these bad is it to send out resumes to these places while I am still employeed by the bank that they bank with?

I am just afraid, someone is gonna come in and say something about someone putting in a resume that works here...but i guess that would be a long shot and might not be that big of a deal...I just know I need to get out before I get let go and am left with nothing.

if you do it on the clock, its highly frowned upon can even get you fired..... however by asking for a buisness card and calling the company off the clock, chances are they dont even know who you are and nothing would be said.
researching the company and their website? That could be frowned upon too, just depends on what your job allows. If you work at a bank and are researching being a bouncer at a strip club, looking at the website and "research" may get you fired :lol:

If you are looking for jobs/postings while at work, thats frowned upon too...
researching the company and their website? That could be frowned upon too, just depends on what your job allows. If you work at a bank and are researching being a bouncer at a strip club, looking at the website and "research" may get you fired :lol:
If you are looking for jobs/postings while at work, thats frowned upon too...

Im not looking at job postings...If I see a company that comes through...Ill google it and just look at their website to see what they do and where they are located....if anyone ask, Id say that I just wanted to know what that company did....
If I've learned one thing about the corporate world (and being a manager having to hire and fire people), I've learned that the best (and often times only) way to get hired into most companies is to network. I remember being told at a very prominent big box store where I was employed as a sales manager that I could choose who I wanted to hire, but for everyone I hired, I had to interview 3 candidates since they are a government contractor. They would sometimes pre-select a candidate for me to hire, but I had to run through the paces and interview people, getting their hopes up, and even if they were a better candidate than the one the shirts put forward, their candidate would get the job.

At that time, they didn't care if I hired my friends, drinking buddies, cell-mates, etc. as long as I interviewed the proper number of warm bodies prior to making the offer.

It really has me jaded on employment at this point!

Oh.... and to answer your question, we are in an At-Will state in North Carolina. As long as your job search is not done at your job and doesn't interfere with your job, you can work anywhere you want. Even non-compete clauses in contracts are pretty much useless in NC.
Agreed with the above statements....That being said, I'm sitting @ my desk at work, technically "off the clock", not researching a job. However, if anyone reading this knows of a decent place to work, let me know...send me a pm, postcard, e-mail, snail mail, facebook, text, stickie note, whatever.
There is something better out there somewhere...Thanks!!
If your bigger question is, "Is there something wrong with lookin gfor a new job while you still have one", the answer is NO. But the real work of it is best done during off-hours.
And in fact, the answer is, "good for you for lokoing to line up somethig new while you DO still have one, rather than quitting first and being jobless.