Seats for a 2nd Gen Dodge Ram


Knower of useless ZJ things
Sep 24, 2008
Looking for some ideas and opinions on replacing the front seats in my 1996 Ram. I have a club cab, so the seats need to slide and tilt to allow access to the back. Anyone done a swap? Should I just have these re padded?
I put 4th gen seats in my 3rd gen Ram. Fronts only, I didn’t both with the back seat. Direct bolt-in, and the seats are so much better. Not sure if they are a direct bolt-in for 2nd gen or not.
Just FYI if you find a set of seats from a 24 valve 2nd gen they aren't a direct swap either. The floor from the 12 valve (94-98) and 24 valve (98.5-02) are shaped differently so you have to put spacers under part of the framework. But I believe you can swap cushions and setbacks fairly easy.
I put 3rd gen ram seats in my 2nd gen. I think all I did was fab a little on the factory risers to get them to fit
You also have to watch the seatbelt. In the 98+ the seatbelts are in the seats. 97- and 3rd gen+ the are on the pillar