section layout...


everyday is a chance to get better
Apr 10, 2005
Greenville, NC
can we put ATV and R/C sections below the General Discussion sections?

Maybe, order the sections by number of hits or use? I hate scrolling down past all the "clubs" and the ATV/R/C sections to find the For Sale items....

Maybe, put the club sections at the bottom? Those are a PITA to scroll through. Or, at least "hide" them if we aren't members???

Please??? :D

You can minimize forum sections in the main forum page by clicking on the little double 'up' arrow on the right.
I'm sure Shawn will take it into consideration as he finishes designing the new software... or not :flipoff2:
Probably easier to revoke Rob's ability to post in the Woes forum.
But yeah, on a serious note... I could see moving the club forums down under the classifieds. Maybe move all the upcoming events/past events stuff into general. The only problem with RC and ATV is that's kinda where they belong.
I'd be OK for having the club forums at the bottom. Thats a huge section that takes up a lot of screen space...

The ATV and RC areas are small and don't take much. on my laptop its not a huge deal (but is somewhat cumbersome) but on my blackberry, I could seen a huge advantage to not having the club section in the middle of General Discussions and Marketplace
I moved them around. We'll see if this is any better.
since the ECORS forum space has a private area,wouldn't that give it a "club" status and a deserved space with the rest of us lowlifes bannished to the bottom of the page? Just askin...

Oh and the website is fine however you set it up.Has been for years and I'm sure it will be in the future.
since the ECORS forum space has a private area,wouldn't that give it a "club" status and a deserved space with the rest of us lowlifes bannished to the bottom of the page? Just askin...


I think he's got you there, Rob.

I was thinking about moving the club forums off onto their own separate page. I think this talk of being banished shows what the club folks would likely think about that idea...
naaaa I was just ribbin at ole Rob. How would moving us to our own page work?
edit:I mean how would the new layout support that?Would the club section be a link on the front page along side the forum link?
Honestly, I like the clubs on the front page as it gives new people something to look at and see whats around them. But then again, I think they are low-traffic pages, so they could get in the way of day-to-day browsing...
some of the club pages might be slow to no traffic but I know 4x4Everyone been pretty busy in the past and so has the Lake Norman forum.There is traffic but it might be where you just can't see it.