Septic system


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
didn't want to derail the other thread....

I got my septic permit today. Hoping to close on land tomorrow....unless it looks like the septic system will already be blowing the reserve budget....

I had a soil scientist out to look over the land about a month ago. Did maybe 75 test holes. Soil no good anywhere near the house (east of pond) crunchy about anywhere from 6 to 12" down. Soil is sandy clay, with some brownstown looking gravel bits, especially as you get deeper. Ended up with a "good" field site about 500' from the house (west of pond), went 27-30 inches with hand auger. Will have to pump to that location, 500 or so feet. First ballpark estimate maybe add another 3000-3500 to the system price (base system quoted at $3500). I'm ok so far.

They county guy went out yesterday and approved for 4 bedroom system. System he is speccing is

type III-B system w/single effluent pump
25% reduction
design flow 480
soil application rate 0.2250
minimum trench depth 12 inches
maximum trench depth 14 inches
septic tank 1000 gallons
pump tank 1000 gallons
repair system required (other option to check was "no, but has available space"...sounds like have to install 2 fields?????)

will have to add about 8" of fill over the top of the field. Would probably have to haul that in.

So....what say the experts of NC4x4?? Think it will still be an "affordable system" with the 25pct reduction, and 8" of fill??? I got a call into my septic install guy now. Don't want to find out it's a $30k system *after* we close.
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Without a lift pump I'd say $4500. Add in everything for lift pump and you are likely in the $7,000 range, likely more and even more if you have to haul in the cover. Figure $600/16CY load depending on how far you are from the borrow pit.
A friend just installed a pump system with the feild about 100' away and only around 128' of drain feild cost him right at 5k...if I had to guess I wouldn't THINK you would be over 15k....
Design flow 480 I think means 480 gallons per day. Same size as mine is spec'd for. That equated to 480 linear feet of drain field at 25% reduction. So you can probably figure ~$5000 for the "normal" part of the system, plus a second tank, trenching, lines, and lift pump. Probably in the $10-12,000 range, big I have no idea how much that stuff costs. The trenching 500ft and running pipe to it part is going to add a lot.
from what I got quoted on the water line, 2" pipe is a buck a foot, backhoe trench and fill runs about the same, then add fittings and pipe around 1.5k for the pipe, installed.
The pump costs ~$200.
Tank is ~$800.

I know a local dude who has a huge house from doing nothing but installing septic systems for years. He told me his estimating went like this.
Figure material cost. Then Labor equals materials. So double material cost. Then profit equals cost so double labor and material...then add 15% in case I missed something. He has a backlog like you wouldnt believe....
Sort of..... $ is in the escrow account. Sellers didn't show up. Lawyer got them on the phone, they were to stop by later and sign their part. Hadn't got there by 5pm... Will see what Monday brings.

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Soil scientist that I hired does not think we need fill. He is going to talk to the county guy. He can "engineer" a system and sign off on it.

Otherwise, found a guy that will trade clay for topsoil, split hauling. He needs for dam.

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I'm no expert, so you guys in the know correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the "repair system required" has to do with when the lot itself was created. Before a certain year (I believe it's 82 or 83 depending on the documentation of the lot) you do not need 100% repair area. After that cutoff date, it's mandatory, unless your lot has extenuating circumstances (usually if it's too small).

This is especially important if you ever subdivide or change your lot lines. You could essentially nullify your exemption this way.
If you get a new septic permit, you are required to have a repair area so when the drain field finally is no longer usable, you have another area to install a drain field.

The only other variance a county health department will allow is if you have a historic system and home and are unable to meet the requirements when getting a new system installed.

If you are buying a property or subdividing a lot for a use that requires a septic system, you will be required to have a repair area for a future drain field.

Each county is different and there are some variances granted but it's generally hard to get them.
My guess is the system will cost around $9k (w/o fill dirt)...well that's what I would quote it without having the permit in front of me and seeing the property
I may have missed something but is your repair area closer to your house? Or did it perk any better? If so I would ask if you could switch the initial system area for the repair area. We do this and it works out sometimes but sometimes it doesn't.

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I may have missed something but is your repair area closer to your house? Or did it perk any better? If so I would ask if you could switch the initial system area for the repair area. We do this and it works out sometimes but sometimes it doesn't.

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Nothing near were we wanted to put the house. Base material 6-12" down.
I have a similar system. Two tanks, pumped to a site about 400 feet away with a repair area designated. I don't remember how much it cost. My house sits on sandy rocky soil. The septic field is in normal red clay at the front of our property.