SFWDA donates heavy equipment to Friends of Uwharrie

This some great news for Uwharrie! The possibilities are endless with the right operator(s).
Setting the guard rails posts would be a breeze with this machine. Fixing a lot of the illegal by-passes ect. I see a lot that can be accomplished. IIRC SFWDA also had a Deuce and a half they also used up in Tellico. Wonder what the status for that is? The two could really compliment each other! I wonder what the forest service's views are about bringing in material(rock) from outside to create some more challenging area's.
I wonder what the forest service's views are about bringing in material(rock) from outside to create some more challenging area's.

This, where is the liaison?
A rock garden or other obstacles to increase the challenge of areas at Uwharrie have been discussed at various times with the Forest Service over the years by different individuals/groups. Varied responses have been given from favorable to not so favorable, but there is a current effort to get a clear response from the Forest Service on this subject.
I have been involved with equipment all my life, I have countless hours operating everything from the smallest to some of the largest pieces of machinery out there. That being said I have access to some written test that talk about safety and will be a good starting point for finding out who is capable to operate equipment, those that pass that should then have to go through a hands-on training course which I will be glad to help instruct. There is a HUGE difference between being able to run equipment and being able to OPERATE it, unfortunately the trails on volunteer days is not the best place to find out who truly knows the difference. I am sure there are plenty of people that can drive it from point A to point B but when it comes to grading, lifting, and moving material we do need to look at who has a vast amount of experience and can do the job quickly, efficiently, and safely.
Ditto x100 what RQ and Twoguys have said. It's one thing to run a machine, its another to run it properly, safely, and do the job right. I have run a bunch of different equipment, but none of it enough to be real good. I can get a job done, but things like grading, waterbars, etc have to be done 100% right, or you create more problems than you solve. There is definitely a "cool" factor...but experience needs to trump egos. (And I am squarely in the "not good enough" camp).
I think the first thing we need to do is.

1, transportation, not only to the barn. but to & from the trail head. (not sure the distance from storage area)

2, reliably functional. (last thing we need is this thing breaking down on the trail during a work day)
Maybe some sort of a pre-use check sheet, covering fluids, grease points, visible leaks & safety. Before each use.

3. safety training & trouble shooting training training the operators. There needs to be a few operators. Also this training must be documented for the forest service

Throw the Ideas out there. Lets get a hit list going.
This is wonderful news as SFWDA continues to support and promote public access for OHV use on our public lands. As Chip mentioned SFWDA has 2 5 ton dump trucks (not licensed or insured) and there is always the possibility that one of these dumps could be used to support the off season maintenance activities at Uwharrie. Thanks to Gunnar Byrd, SFWDA President, for his involvement in originally establishing the OHV area at UwHarrie and the work he has done over the years to keep the equipment in useable condition, much of the time at his own expense.

If you are not a member of SFWDA, I highly encourage you to join. These folks truly have the best interest of OHV activity at heart. Please know that SFWDA has committed to perform $100,000 of in-kind services for the development and construction of a new County OHV area "Coalamont" near Tracy City, TN. This commitment is to provided in-kind match for an RTP grant to acquire the property for this area. This is where the Dump Trucks are planned to be used beginning in the early spring. If you are available, supporting SFWDA's commitment would be an excellent way for us to show our appreciation.

It is exciting to see the response and support here for this action of SFWDA.

SFWDA is in yet another fight for OHV access in Kentucky. Part of the Daniel Boone National Forest in the Red River Gorge for years has been used for OHV activity. Recent planning documents and inventories of travel ways have failed to recognize these trails as trails for OHV's. They have been designated as roads for High Clearance Vehicles. The FS now wants to close these access points as unnecessary for access. much of the local community around Slade and Powell county rely on the OHV use to keep their businesses viable. SFWDA is supporting actiivist and aviid off roader Jeffery Dozier in the fight to close this area. December 11 the Powell County Judge Executive held a public meeting to discuss the proposed action. I have not heard the outcome yet.

Flint Holbrook, PE
Director, Land Use and Conservation SFWDA
Sorry for being late to the thread.

Next time you see Flint Holbrook, not sure if he is on here or not, thank him! This was his idea! Flint is the 'Director of Conservation and Land Management' for Southern Four Wheel Drive Association. SFWDA's Heavy Maintenance Crew agreed and they are the ones that have donated the backhoe, to be specific. SFWDA also owns 2- 5 ton 6x6 dumps that are in very good operating condition and can be used at URE as well! SFWDA's has made a commitment to URE's sustained future! Yes, I can say that!

A quick plug- Please support SFWDA! If you are a club member and your club is not a member of SFWDA, please faithfully consider joining! As an individual member or better yet as a club! We really need to show our support to SFWDA for all they have done, are doing and all they are willing to do at URE!! SFWDA is the original organization that started the opening of 4WD trails at URE!! I would like someone, who is better at forums than me, to post this as many places as possible on this forum! Please lets spread the news about SFWDA !!!!!

Yes, the backhoe will be kept on UORTC's property, undercover and there is power (110).

Thank you for everyones willingness to help! This is very exciting and actually a God given miracle how everything is coming together at the same time!
Sorry for being late to the thread.

Next time you see Flint Holbrook, not sure if he is on here or not, thank him! This was his idea! Flint is the 'Director of Conservation and Land Management' for Southern Four Wheel Drive Association. SFWDA's Heavy Maintenance Crew agreed and they are the ones that have donated the backhoe, to be specific. SFWDA also owns 2- 5 ton 6x6 dumps that are in very good operating condition and can be used at URE as well! SFWDA's has made a commitment to URE's sustained future! Yes, I can say that!

A quick plug- Please support SFWDA! If you are a club member and your club is not a member of SFWDA, please faithfully consider joining! As an individual member or better yet as a club! We really need to show our support to SFWDA for all they have done, are doing and all they are willing to do at URE!! SFWDA is the original organization that started the opening of 4WD trails at URE!! I would like someone, who is better at forums than me, to post this as many places as possible on this forum! Please lets spread the news about SFWDA !!!!!

Yes, the backhoe will be kept on UORTC's property, undercover and there is power (110).

Thank you for everyones willingness to help! This is very exciting and actually a God given miracle how everything is coming together at the same time!
SFWDA is also paying for all transport charges to URE!! Delivery is expected by first week of January! Holidays slowing transport down.

Merry Christmas! What an awesome gift from SFWDA!!
I am a mobile service Tech. Tools on truck and 30+ years in hydraulics and small to mid size diesels. Will be willing to help in any repairs or service that are necessary.
Googled the piece. Pretty basic loader with the exception of 4wheel steer. I'm offering my services if needed.
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I am a mobile service Tech. Tools on truck and 30+ years in hydraulics and small to mid size diesels. Will be willing to help in any repairs or service that are necessary.

Awesome, your much closer too. I am a 2 hour ride.
For initial evaluation and service I could do it here at the house. No power issues, plenty of air, etc.
For initial evaluation and service I could do it here at the house. No power issues, plenty of air, etc.
Wow, that is fantastic! I will talk to the powers that be and we might have it delivered directly to you. Thank you, Thank you for this awesome offer!
Wow, that is fantastic! I will talk to the powers that be and we might have it delivered directly to you. Thank you, Thank you for this awesome offer!
Let me know what the powers that be have to say. Hopefully the unit is in pretty good shape. Some filters and oils will need to be purchased I'm sure. Hopefully the the rest is okay.
Ive offered directly tot Scott already but any parts needed (filters,oil, or more hard parts) I have a pretty good deal price wise. And will of course help however I can.
Ive offered directly tot Scott already but any parts needed (filters,oil, or more hard parts) I have a pretty good deal price wise. And will of course help however I can.
Thank you Ron!
Let me know what the powers that be have to say. Hopefully the unit is in pretty good shape. Some filters and oils will need to be purchased I'm sure. Hopefully the the rest is okay.
It's been years since I have seen this Backhoe, it has been at Tellico since the mid-90's. I helped operate it with a friend of mine on trail 11 at Tellico in the late 90's. Back then it had electronic issues. It has joystick controls on the armrests which operate the loader and backhoe. It seems like it is also an extend-a-hoe as well with a 4 in 1 front loader bucket too. SFWDA Heavy Maintenance Crew told me it needed a new or rebuilt hydraulic cylinder on the backhoe and the joystick controls don't work properly. They suggested we take apart all the electronic connections, clean, use dielectric grease and put the connections back together. They said sitting in the humid environment of Tellico has taken it's toll on the connections. I believe it is either a B200 or a FB200 Kobelco 1994 to 1996 model. My understanding it is one of the first with the joysticks. The joysticks are very cool when working properly. One can easily change the controls to suit what the operator is used to; ie.- excavator or normal 2 stick. It has equal size tires, front and rear, with 4 Wheel Steer and Crab Steer which is all somewhat rare and very cool for a challenging off-road environment. I know it was refurbished and repainted about 6 years ago but really and truely don't know the exact condition of this machine now. It is definitely going to need a complete going over, evaluation and of course a complete maintenance service. It has been just sitting since Tellico was closed. My thoughts are we will probably need a service/shop manual with wiring diagram, first thing. Hopefully one will come with it, usually located on the seat back. All help, donations and expertise is welcome. Taking it to Jasper's garage sounds like the best option. If Jasper agrees, we could do that evaluation there. Please give feedback and ideas. In the meantime, I will contact SFWDA's Heavy Maintenance Crew and FOU's board to see how they suggest we best proceed.
Thank you Ron!

It's been years since I have seen this Backhoe, it has been at Tellico since the mid-90's. I helped operate it with a friend of mine on trail 11 at Tellico in the late 90's. Back then it had electronic issues. It has joystick controls on the armrests which operate the loader and backhoe. It seems like it is also an extend-a-hoe as well with a 4 in 1 front loader bucket too. SFWDA Heavy Maintenance Crew told me it needed a new or rebuilt hydraulic cylinder on the backhoe and the joystick controls don't work properly. They suggested we take apart all the electronic connections, clean, use dielectric grease and put the connections back together. They said sitting in the humid environment of Tellico has taken it's toll on the connections. I believe it is either a B200 or a FB200 Kobelco 1994 to 1996 model. My understanding it is one of the first with the joysticks. The joysticks are very cool when working properly. One can easily change the controls to suit what the operator is used to; ie.- excavator or normal 2 stick. It has equal size tires, front and rear, with 4 Wheel Steer and Crab Steer which is all somewhat rare and very cool for a challenging off-road environment. I know it was refurbished and repainted about 6 years ago but really and truely don't know the exact condition of this machine now. It is definitely going to need a complete going over, evaluation and of course a complete maintenance service. It has been just sitting since Tellico was closed. My thoughts are we will probably need a service/shop manual with wiring diagram, first thing. Hopefully one will come with it, usually located on the seat back. All help, donations and expertise is welcome. Taking it to Jasper's garage sounds like the best option. If Jasper agrees, we could do that evaluation there. Please give feedback and ideas. In the meantime, I will contact SFWDA's Heavy Maintenance Crew and FOU's board to see how they suggest we best proceed.
I'm expecting, outside of general service, it's going to have several small to mid-headache issues. The joystick operation is likely micro switches operating cartridge valves, no way to know until I can diagnose the unit. To take "apart all the electrical connections" would take all winter. I need to see what works and what doesn't. Service manuals are way over priced. If you know the exact model and serial number research on-line, you may find the info for free. All I need is a electrical schematic, and unless there are hydraulic issues other than leaks I won't be needing the hydraulic schematic. Highly unlikely that a unit of this size either schematic will be found in the operators manual. Be aware this is not going to be a weekend project but could be several weekends and maybe spring. I already have a full-time job.
I'm expecting, outside of general service, it's going to have several small to mid-headache issues. The joystick operation is likely micro switches operating cartridge valves, no way to know until I can diagnose the unit. To take "apart all the electrical connections" would take all winter. I need to see what works and what doesn't. Service manuals are way over priced. If you know the exact model and serial number research on-line, you may find the info for free. All I need is a electrical schematic, and unless there are hydraulic issues other than leaks I won't be needing the hydraulic schematic. Highly unlikely that a unit of this size either schematic will be found in the operators manual. Be aware this is not going to be a weekend project but could be several weekends and maybe spring. I already have a full-time job.
It sounds like you need to check it over. If okay with you, I will see if 'SFWDA and FOU', the powers that be, agrees to get it moved directly to your garage to be evaluated. Please let me know for sure that this is okay with you and please send me all your ideas about this. Hopefully someone on NC4x4 would be willing to give us a break ($) on moving the machine from your garage to URE when needed. What - about 5 miles apart (your garage and UORTC). I certainly understand your full-time job comes first and appreciate your willingness to help. Feel free to call or start a conversation with me on this board. 336-906-1644 Thank you so much for your consideration!!
It sounds like you need to check it over. If okay with you, I will see if 'SFWDA and FOU', the powers that be, agrees to get it moved directly to your garage to be evaluated. Please let me know for sure that this is okay with you and please send me all your ideas about this. Hopefully someone on NC4x4 would be willing to give us a break ($) on moving the machine from your garage to URE when needed. What - about 5 miles apart (your garage and UORTC). I certainly understand your full-time job comes first and appreciate your willingness to help. Feel free to call or start a conversation with me on this board. 336-906-1644 Thank you so much for your consideration!!
Moving the unit back to URE should not be a problem. Install a "slow moving vehicle" triangle on the back and have the flashing lights working and we're good to go on road. Escort may be helpful depending on the day and hour of day.
I think once the unit is delivered, to you or me, we will have much to discuss. And we'll go from there.
Moving the unit back to URE should not be a problem. Install a "slow moving vehicle" triangle on the back and have the flashing lights working and we're good to go on road. Escort may be helpful depending on the day and hour of day.
I think once the unit is delivered, to you or me, we will have much to discuss. And we'll go from there.
Sounds Good. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and yours'.
I spoke with SFWDA Heavy Maintenance crew Friday, Jan.11 and they were heading to Tellico Saturday, Jan.12 to pick up the Backhoe! It is still a week or two away from delivery to Jaspers.

It turns out this machine is a Kobelco but was made by a British company called FERMEC. We think it is a mid-1990's with a possible 969 model number. More info to come.