Crate? Strap that bitch to an appropriate size hardwood pallet and send it down the road. You put it in a crate and they’re going to try to stack something on it. Leave it open and they can’t. Just make sure it’s not hanging off the sides or ends of the pallet.
I bet I ship 2-300 pallets of expensive over sized and obscure shapes loads a week. If you don’t have a commercial location, you’re going to need to pay extra for a loft gate.
Shipping for CO, my rates are probably in the neighborhood of $300.
You’re going to have fairly decent class rating on it due to weight. If he builds too large of a crate it could cost you more. It’s bases on density. I.e. a 40x48x24 at 100 lbs is more expensive than one at 1000lbs.
CO to NC I think your best lanes are through Estes, YRC and Averitt.