Dinkins bottoms in lewisville. Havent been there, but its an indoor deal. Place out in Boonville just off of 601. Again, havent been there either. Do most of my shooting at the old resevoir in davie county. My boss knows the owner so he gets permission from time to time. We shoot everything from pistols, to 30-06 to home made cannons out there.
if your looking to sight in, and have a sportsmans liscense, go to the game lands off 801 in davie. Its squirell season, a 30-06 may be a bit overkill.....but atleast its a safe place to shoot.
Check out the place at dinkins bottoms first. Its called sportsmand world or somthing like that. They have NRA safety courses, so i would assume they shoot rifles there. in the same building is also morris guns, a gun store and i know they sell rifles. Dinkins bottoms road is the exit on 421 in lewisville after shallowford road.