Shop that straightens frames in Raleigh?


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
I have an S-10 Blazer that I am going to be rebuilding at some point. It was my first car and I'm looking to rescue it. About 14 years ago I slammed it into a ditch and the frame is bent a bit. It was a square hit, so the frame is't diagonally bent, I believe it is just bent a bit in the front. Not too sure.

I had it looked at like 12 years ago and the guy seemed like it wouldn't be a hard fix and was going to charge me $140, but I got caught up with other stuff and never did it.

I'm going to be having a guy replace most of the sheetmetal on the truck, so I'm hoping to get my frame straightened so I can use it.

Any cheap and good shops?
Oh, you said cheap. nevermind.

I think Ridgerunner built a frame jig..
It's a 86 S-10 blazer. If you spent $100 you've doubled the value of the truck!

If you wanted to bring it to Clayton. There is a body shop that I use that is real reasonable. USA Auto Body.