Short Rear D-Shaft Question


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
K, I'm running a 231/231 doubler. Linked rear. I want to have about 103-4" wb. The way things are now. To get that, my rear shaft will be about 13" long from center to center. The shaft that was in my truck was 19". 6" of it is tube that connects the yoke to the slip. So there is tubing that I can take out to get it as short as I need.

If I cut it down and run a center limit strap "droop limiting" to keep it from binding, are there any issues that you can think of?
running it close to max operating angle will shorten it's life, but as long a your strap keeps it from binding, you should be able to make it work.

I have a CV rear in my CJ-5 that is about 13-14" long, running at about 21 degrees. My strap limits droop at the centersection to a couple of inches, but it still articulates well. hit a big bump at highway speeds, and you can feel the strap do its job!