Should I let my helper work?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2007
Holly Springs,NC
I run a small construction business,and my helper/cousin works for me full time.His 3 1/2 yr old son has H1N1.He was diagnosed on Fri.Spent the night in the hospital Sat,and came home Sun.We both agreed that he should stay home today and make sure he isn't sick as well.He says he is fine and wants to work tommorow.I am not too worried about getting it myself but,I have two kids 13 and 8 that I am worried about.My question is should I let him work?Make him drive seperatly?Any suggestions?My gut(and my wife lol) tell me that he should stay home.Thanks,JD
tell him to wear a mask if you are concerned.

CDC says to use the N95...
you cannot MAKE him stay at home based on something he does not have unless you continue to pay him and request him to stay home. If you want him to stay home and you don't want to pay him for the time he is home and not working, well, thats just not right.

You can ask him to wear a mask, wash hands, etc. but you cannot ask him to stay at home without pay based on his son's sickness
you cannot MAKE him stay at home based on something he does not have unless you continue to pay him and request him to stay home. If you want him to stay home and you don't want to pay him for the time he is home and not working, well, thats just not right.
You can ask him to wear a mask, wash hands, etc. but you cannot ask him to stay at home without pay based on his son's sickness
I agree with what your saying,I guess what Im asking IS how concerned would you be about working around him givin the situation.Looking at it from a health standpoint not legal,dont mind paying him if thats what it takes to keep my kids safe.
You can pay him for 20 hours of work and put him on temporary layoff for a week or 2. However, he then burns up his first "off" week that first week and unemployment would take care of the rest. He still keeps all of his benefits, etc. but your unemployment insurance premium may be affected a little for next year.
Simply no. If he was so bad that he had to go to the hospital he has no business working for several days. He needs to take some time off and get fully rested so he doesn't catch something else and is fully over it.
Keep some Lysol spray and clorox wipes to wipe or spray anything he touches. Have him wear a mask. Keep distance.
Pay him to stay home
Simply no. If he was so bad that he had to go to the hospital he has no business working for several days. He needs to take some time off and get fully rested so he doesn't catch something else and is fully over it.
I think its the guys son that has swine flu. Is this a confirmed case or is the hospital just guessing like they are doing on most cases?
If he had regular old flu how would you feel?

Cause H1n1 is no worse.
Planning for 2009 H1N1 Influenza: A Preparedness Guide for Small Business

my .02 - Most of the advice below, will depend on your worker understanding that if he is sick he needs to stay home. That he can get you all sick also (the same as any other flu). If he is sick or looks sick send him home. I get daily emails at work about washing hands and not touching things.. sneezing into your elbow etc..

From the above pdf...

Keeping Healthy: 8 Tips for Individuals

In addition to the actions a small business employer can take to help protect the health of their employees, there are actions which employees may take to protect their own health, and that of those around them. Employers should review this list and encourage employees to read it and practice good health habits.

1. Stay home if you are sick with influenza-like illness for example, fever or chills AND cough or sore throat. In addition, symptoms of flu can include runny nose, body aches, headache, tiredness, diarrhea, or vomiting. CDC recommends that sick workers stay home if they are ill with influenza-like illness until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100° F [37.8° C] or greater) or signs of a fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. This would require employees to stay home for 3 to 5 days in most cases. CDC recommends this time period away from work regardless of whether or not antiviral medications are used.
2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
3. Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes.
4. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your upper sleeve. Dispose of tissues in no-touch trash receptacles.
5. Wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.
6. Keep frequently touched common surfaces clean. For example, telephones, computer equipment, etc.
7. Try not to use other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment. If necessary, consider cleaning them first with a disinfectant.
8. Maintain a healthy lifestyle; attention to rest, diet, exercise, and relaxation helps maintain physical and emotional health.
They told us at work that if anyone we lived with or if we got the flu they would pay us to stay home for as long as it took to get over it .

thats the only way you can require someone to stay home that ISN"T sick

a family member being sick insn't grounds enough to ask a worker to stay home without pay. You'd just about be increasing their changes of getting sick that way by exposing them to the sick person moreso than if they were at work.
Well...they are treating all Flu Type A as H1N1 to be safe...

My 2 year old had "Flu Type A" 3 weeks ago...we had my parents keep my 5 year old until Monday one else got sick...thank GOD.

You just can't be careful enough...
My 2 year old had "Flu Type A" 3 weeks ago...we had my parents keep my 5 year old until Monday one else got sick...thank GOD.

both of mine were in the same boat 2 weeks ago. I was told to stay home from work but worked from the couch. I'd tell him to wear a mask and just wash his hands etc. I didn't get sick at all just by taking precautions and killing off the rest with southern comfort.
Thanks for all the replies.AGAIN I want to make CLEAR.I have never intended to Make him stay home with no pay.That's not the issue.Just wondering how concerned others would be (if in my situation)working around him.Anyways his son is feeling better,I payed him to stay home today.He is choosing to stay home tommorow to watch his son so his wife can work.Thanks again JD:beer:
Good call.I have two kids 5 and 3 and we are doing all we can to keep them safe.We are even suspeding their church team kids meetings until whenever.I went to autozone today like many and a guy I know that works there told me he had been out for a week because he got h1n1.He said that they made him come back to work because of schedules.I immediately asked for some sanitizer regardless of his feelings.This stuff ain't playin.I'm pretty confused as to what to do for my kids...get the shot or not?Some of the side effects with inproperly tested drugs are severe for youngsters or anyone really.Any advice???
Good call.I have two kids 5 and 3 and we are doing all we can to keep them safe.We are even suspeding their church team kids meetings until whenever.I went to autozone today like many and a guy I know that works there told me he had been out for a week because he got h1n1.He said that they made him come back to work because of schedules.I immediately asked for some sanitizer regardless of his feelings.This stuff ain't playin.I'm pretty confused as to what to do for my kids...get the shot or not?Some of the side effects with inproperly tested drugs are severe for youngsters or anyone really.Any advice???
lol well i think every one at shaw just got the nasal spray of that shot...ill let you know how were doing in a few weeks :rolleyes:
I don't think I've ever had the flu shot and have never had the flu.

fingers crossed and as I type this I fear that I may be jinxing myself