Silver under $20 an ounce

So how does one go about picking some up? Via investments/mutual funds/etc or is there another way that is more tangible?
For those of us uninformed, what was silvers high in the past? What could we expect of our purchase in the future?
For those of us uninformed, what was silvers high in the past? What could we expect of our purchase in the future?

I'm curious too. I've never bought into the 'paper money is going to be worthless one day so buy precious metals' mentality. However, if you can resell at some point down the road and make a nice profit...
Let me Google that for you......

This chart only shows the 10 year high and low, but in 04, it was less than $5 an ounce but by 2011, it was upwards of $50 an ounce. I guess all the Doomsday Preppers that thought the Mayan Calendar was accurate wanted some hard currency for after the end of civilization. It's by no means at a historic low, though.
its an investment like anything else. Buy low, sell high...

Gas, wood, coal, paper, water, etc. all works basically the same. Just analyze it and make the call when to buy low and when to sell high... Good thing about silver, gold, or a commodity is that it won't file bankruptcy leaving you holding on to worthless stock (like GM). It will recover, eventually; you just have to see the highs and lows to see if the gains are enough to invest with a reasonable return over time.
Before you invest in precious metals, you'd be wise to learn the difference in an ounce (28 grams) vs a troy ounce (31 grams).

Make sure you get what you pay for!
I buy coins...cashed out last year when Silver was around $35-36/oz. I like coins because it appeals to a couple markets, collectors and melters. When I cashed out, I made about 10k in scrap and 5-6k in collectable coins. The thing about silver is there are a ton of people out there that say silver is the gold/platinum of the future since silver is used in everything. I don't see that in the near future, it's all hype that has been perpetuated since the 70's. What is good about silver is it's cheap enough for anyone to get a hold of. I could see silver dipping down in to single digits per ounce again.