Sinkhole to the center of the earth!


yehaw x10
Mar 28, 2007
Valdese, NC
That just doesn't even look real at all!
Holy chit!!!:eek: It kind of looks like it opens up into a cavern under the city. (Both of 'em)
I wanna know what they do with these? Just fence them off and monitor them for growth? Doesn't seem like you could do much else.
silver surfer been there ?
:lol: Exactly what I was thinking.

That top picture doesn't even look real. Hard to imagine a hole that big and deep just opening up.
they are all over the world. i think there was video or time delay camera of one opening up under a lake one time. the lake disapperred instantly.
its not as amazing as that hole, but the parking lot next door to my work had a sinkhole yoy could hide a sammi in.
closer to home there have been numerous sink holes of similar size in SC over the past few decades.

One major contributor is limestone which will actually dissolve in water. Most notably Limestone College in Gaffney, SC the entire cafeteria building fell into a giant hole maybe 15 years ago.

The sink hole there flooded with water and supposedly dive teams went over 400' deep (the supposed best local scuba gear that was available at the time as I recall) and then dropped a feeler gauge another 500' with no contact (how they determine this I have no clue)
Anybody seen the movie 2012?!

Seriously though... This kind of thing has been happening in Guatemala City for years. I had the chance to travel there last summer, so I did some reading on it. Unfortunately the trip never happened... but Im glad I didn't have to spend any time in Guate City.

Most notably Limestone College in Gaffney, SC the entire cafeteria building fell into a giant hole maybe 15 years ago.

My family is from Gaffney. I was in junior high when that happened. Im pretty sure it was just the parking lot... not the whole cafeteria building. Either way, its still dangerous. Several people have died in there over the years.
Sinkholes are pretty common in Florida. One of the big causes there is Farming. Farmers are allowed xxx gallons of water/year. they don't use it all then all at once suck a shit-ton of water out during season, or to save Strawberries & Oranges from freezing. The Water tablet drops, suspending the Limestone earth under your feet, and it gives way.

Lakeland, Florida. Scott Lake = sink hole under it, the lake all but disappeared. Home owner insurance around the lake shot up, and property values plummeted faster than the shore line.
Yep remember that one too...

BTW dmoore, my family is likewise mostly from Gaffney, I called it home for a while as well. There have been at least two significant collapses in the last 35 years. The 2nd just got the parking lot, the first took all or at least a large part of the cafeteria and there were several deaths as I recall...seems like that one was around 79 or 80...
250ft deep from what news said!
took a 4 story building down with it too!!! btw
closer to home there have been numerous sink holes of similar size in SC over the past few decades.

One major contributor is limestone which will actually dissolve in water. Most notably Limestone College in Gaffney, SC the entire cafeteria building fell into a giant hole maybe 15 years ago.

The sink hole there flooded with water and supposedly dive teams went over 400' deep (the supposed best local scuba gear that was available at the time as I recall) and then dropped a feeler gauge another 500' with no contact (how they determine this I have no clue)

Damn, that's too close to home for comfort. Always thought that sucking the eart dry of oil would make it collapse inward.
I was workin up in Hickory when we had those a few years ago.
Drove past the one near the Lowes and the one over on 70 near the Honda and over the literally 'ground ripples' east of 321.
Friggin weird man. :popcorn: